Chapter 17

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btw Zoey's hair isnt a full on wig, its kind of like thick extentions, so mainly not her real hair basically


I took in a deep breath and knocked on Beau's door. It was 1 am in England but I knew that Beau would be awake, he always stayed up late. I heard shuffling round in the room before finally Beau opened the door. He rubbed his eyes.

"Yes?" He said without even looking at me. He then looked up at me properly and his mouth fell open.

"Zoey I missed you so much!" He screamed whilst picking me up and spinning me round.

"I missed you too." I laughed once he had put me down. It had only been 2 days but who cares? We were in the 'honey moon' stage of our relationship and missed each other after the smallest time periods.

"How long are you staying for!?"

"Not sure, maybe a week or 2 but I missed you and I had to see you." I blushed.

"Sweet! Well I have my own room with a double bed so you can share with me!" He said excitedly whilst taking my suitcase and pulling me into the room.

"Beau calm down." I laughed, "Its late lets just slee- oh hi boys!" I said and smiled. The rest of the group were on Beau's bed watching tv. Daniel and James both smiled and waved but Luke and Jai practically ran at me to give me a hug. I could see Daniel looking around behind me to see if Tilly was with me. My heart sunk knowing that he was thinking she would jump out.

"She's trying to come as soon as possible." I told Daniel, "She predicted a week but I dunno, I'm sorry, she can't afford it right now." I said and shrugged.

Daniel simply smiled like it didn't matter and faced the TV again, but I knew that he missed her an incredible amount, Beau had told me Daniel wouldn't call Tilly because he thought he would seem overly clingy which would turn Tilly off him.

"And this is Cara." Beau said out of the blue whilst pointing at a girl next to James. I hadn't even noticed her. I put on a fake smile. 'Be nice Zoey, shes just a friend of theirs'. I told myself. Yeah so Beau fancies her, so what?

"Hi Cara nice to meet you, big fan of your modelling." I said and smiled weakly.

"You too, are you a model? You're super slim, like crazy thin, tell me your secret!" She said and laughed, she was intending to be nice, but I knew that it had just drawn attention to the fact that I looked unhealthily skinny right now.

"She's naturally thin." Beau said quickly so people would stop staring. Wow I owe him.

"Anyway we best be off, I imagine you want the place to yourselves.." James said and winked causing me to send him the evils.

"Bye." Me and Beau said simultaneously as the boys left.

I quickly grabbed my things and got changed in the bathroom, I didnt want Beau to see my body right now. I came out in thick pyjamas to make me look bigger than I am.

Beau was holding his mouth trying not to laugh at my woolly pink pyjamas.

"Oh shush its cold in England ok?" I laughed.

"Dont worry babe, you look hot." Beau laughed.

He was already in bed so I just hopped in next to him, his arm immediately rested around me to keep me warm.

"I'm so glad you came." Beau whispered and kissed my cheek gently.

"Me too." I said and smiled before drifting off to sleep.

I was wrong.. very wrong, soon I would realize what a mistake coming here was.


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