Chapter 13

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"Jai, WHY DID YOU INVITE CARA DELEVINGNE?!" I shout whispered at him.

Jai shrugged, "She's your favourite celebrity, I thought you would want to meet her!"

"You idot shes not my 'favourite celebrity' shes my celebrity crush, why Jai!? I have a girlfriend for gods sake!" I said angrily.

"So? you dont have to hook up with her? Just be nice Beau, anyway I think she's interested in Luke." Jai said and pointed at them. They were sitting on a bench together, I couldnt hear them but I could see she was laughing. I watched her as she laughed with Luke, her bright blue eyes were fixed on him. I felt almost jealous when I saw him making her laugh, he knew she was my celebrity crush, if I did that to Mila Kunis he wouldnt like it?! Cara and Luke then stood up and came over.

"Hey guys." She said with her beautiful British accent. She was with a couple of girls who she introduced too, I didnt really take note on their names, I was too busy staring at Cara. She was nice to look at, but she wouldnt compare to Zoey with her personality. Zoey was the kindest funniest, weirdest girl I had ever met, but Cara was just so attractive. "Sick hat!" She said and grabbed my beanie off my head. I laughed at her as she shoved it on her own head. She put on a fake Australian accent and said "Lets do some filming then." I laughed again and snatched my hat back and put it firmly on my head.

"Your accent sucks by the way." I pointed out.

"Better than your British I bet.." She teased.

"Not even going to try." I laughed.

"Well then you cant judge me." She said and stuck out her tongue. Excellent.. so she has a nice personality too!? The temptation was unbelievable. She turned around and walked over to Luke and grabbed his arm. I shouldnt feel jealous..


I was going to have to tell everyone at some point, but not now, maybe I would when they all got back. I got out of bed at the sound of the doorbell, who was coming round at this time? I opened the door sleepily.

"Hello?" I grumbled. I looked up to see a puffy eyed red faced Tilly. I immediately ushered her inside.

"Whats the matter sweetie?" I asked her as we sat down on the sofa.

"Its only been a day, but I miss Skip, he hasnt called." She whined. "Did Beau call you?" She asked as she sniffed.

I looked away awkwardly, he had but I had hung up on him, "Uh yeah, but I'm sure Skip didnt because he was super super busy!" I tried to say as convincingly as possible.

She nodded and hugged me, "Havent seen you in a while."

I nodded and hugged her back. I then stumbled back and pushed her away and ran to the nearest bathroom locking the door behind me. I crouched down at the toilet and threw up everywhere. It was mostly normal sick with a few speckles of blood. A tear slid down my cheek as I flushed the toilet, washed my face, and joined Tilly again. Act Natural.

Worth Fighting For - A Beau Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now