Chapter 18

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I woke up with a huge smile plastered to my face, which was shortly changed to a grimace as I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I brushed my teeth to cover the smell. Luckily Beau was only just waking up when I walked back in.

"Morning gorgeous." He croaked, God his morning voice is sexy.

"Hey Beau." I said and smiled weakly. He lay in bed with his arms behind his head and stared as I began to get ready for the day.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I said and winked before taking my clothes to the bathroom. He had seen me get changed before, but since I had lost weight I didn't want him to notice the changes. I wore fairly thick and warm clothes as English weather is unpredictable. I quickly curled my hair and applied natural looking makeup. When I re entered the room Beau was ready and leaning against the door frame of the bathroom making me jump. He simply greeted me with a happy kiss before using the bathroom himself.

We were both ready shortly after.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked whilst brushing the last bit of my hair.

"I was thinking we could all go to m&m world?" Beau suggested.

"Sounds good.. So is Cara interested in anyone in the group?" I asked Beau, trying to sound casual.

"Well at first she liked Luke and then Daniel, and then me, but now she has kind of accepted us all and just wants to be friends with us, shes actually really nice." Beau shrugged.

"I thought Luke liked her back? Poor him!"

"He did until he met Jenna." Beau smirked. We began to head to the boys hotel room but continued talking.

"OO spill, whose Jenna?" I asked getting excited.

"Luke went shopping with Jai and I dunno, I guess they just met, they have been texting non stop and want to meet again, its so cute!"

"He should invite her to m&m world." I said as I knocked on their hotel door.

Beau nodded before entwining his fingers in mine.

"What do you want!?" A sleepy looking Jai said as he answered the door.

"Let us in, we're going to m&m world so you'se all need to hurry up!" Beau demanded.

Jai smiled tiredly and then went straight to the bathroom and got ready, the rest of the boys just got changed under their duvets, so we couldnt see.

Finally everyone was ready to go, Luke had texted Jenna asking her to go and Skip had texted Tilly the same, thinking that she would miraculously appear from the other side of the world. Poor Skip.

It was a massive struggle to get out of the hotel, hundreds of fans had camped out, it was really scary trying to get past as they literally would grab anything they could as long as it belonged to you. I was lucky to escape with everything I left with, luckily so did the boys. The cars sped off quickly so the fans wouldn't be able to follow, we knew it was a bit mean on them but we wanted a relaxed day, the boys would get pictures and sign stuff later.

M&M world was massive, and it smelt so good, I was in heaven.

"Beau, lets buy everything in this shop please." I joked, but gave a serious expression.

"Haha, I wish, Do you want anything though? My treat pick what ever you want gorgeous." Beau said and pecked my lips lightly.

"Yay." I said and held his hand tightly as I looked through the chocolate, however suddenly our attention was drawn to Luke as we saw him hugging a short blonde girl, next to them was Cara, I tried to hold in my inner annoyance as its hard to be around a girl that fancies your boyfriend.

"Jenna?" I asked Beau, he smiled and nodded in response. We walked over to them and stood around awkwardly until the finished hugging.

"Hi I'm Zoey," I said and smiled.

"Jenna, nice to meet you." She said and grinned. She seemed really nice and friendly.

"Nice to see you again too Cara." I said plainly.

"Same to you." She replied equally as plain.

Wow awkward

1 and half hours later-

We were about to leave, Beau had bought me a huge bag of m&ms that were practically the size of my body, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. Daniel couldnt either, he had multi coloured smudges on his face from where he had shoved any m&m he could see in his mouth. Luke was holding on to Jenna's hand and had bought her a cuddly m&m toy, neither of them would stop smiling it was so cute. Jai and James pretty much just stuck with Cara, I think they found it a bit awkward being around cuddly couples.

We got back into the taxi, I was hugging the bag of chocolate tightly as though someone was going to steal it.

"Thanks for today and thanks for the chocolate." I whispered into Beau's ear causing him to smirk.

"Anything for you." He said and turned my face so we were facing each other.

His lips slowly locked with mine as we began to kiss, we had completely forgotten there was other people in the car.

"Jesus christ can you wait 5 fucking minutes!?" James said whilst sounding annoyed causing us to both pull away but giggle like school girls.

At the hotel-

Once again it was hell to get in, we had to push past everyone and it made me panic, but soon enough Beau and I were lying on his double bed.

"So... should we continue where we left off?" Beau asked and winked.

I nodded and bit my lip before leaning in. We both smiled into the kiss, I didn't mind as it got more passionate it was our first proper kiss since I had got here. His body rolled over on top of mine causing my breathing to speed up. Our lips crashed on to each other. I didnt want them to leave each other. His tongue slid across my bottom lip and of course I let it in. I pushed him over so I was on top causing him to smirk slightly at my new dominance. I let my fingers ruffle in his hair whereas his hands were on my lower back sliding down to my bum. We were interrupted by my bloody phone.

"Sorry." I said awkwardly and climbed off his body to look at the text. It was Judy. My doctor.

The text said:

Hi Zoey I hope you are enjoying your stay in England, but I have some news for you. Luckily we have acquired a doctor that is willing to go through your treatment with you temporarily whilst you are in England. Please visit the Hotel of London at around 4pm today, and every day you stay there.


I looked at the time and sighed, 3 30pm, what the hell is my excuse going to be?! Or should I just tell him?...

Worth Fighting For - A Beau Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now