Chapter 2

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The dinner table was booming with noise as Beau was in one of his energetic moods. He was going on about some party, I ignored him and just carried on eating, I was in a world of my own thinking about everything. Thinking about the coughing, the difficulty to breathe, the sleeping. Was this normal? Thoughts and fears whirred round my head making me panic about everything. I thought about Beau too. I couldnt stop recently, it wasnt like me, we have been friends for years and I used to be 'one of the guys' until recently..

"Well Zoey?" Beau asked.

"Sorry what?" I asked awkwardly. 

The boys all smirked at how dopey I had just looked and sounded. 

"I was asking whether you are still coming tomorrow? To the party?" Beau asked whilst giving me a weird look. 

"Oh um, yeah sure whatever." I said vaguely and carried on eating. Once we had finished Jai and Luke were told to do the dishes. I was heading towards my room again when Beau grabbed my arm and pulled me into the lounge. 

"No, no no, no more lazy Zoey today, I want the fun Zoey!" Beau whined like a toddler.

I rolled my eyes but sat next to him on the couch. He put his arm around me and pulled me onto his chest after he had turned on the tv. My heart fluttered as our skin touched. It was beating so fast I felt like it would burst out of my chest.

After a few minutes of him flipping through the channels on the TV for something to watch I suddenly realised what I was doing. I sprung off him and walked away. He was a man whore, a player. He wouldn't change. So why am I wasting my time trying to imagine and kid myself that something could happen? I leaped up the stairs two at a time and went and laid down on my bed. I pulled out my phone and texted the only person who could help right now. Tilly, my best friend from school.

Me: I'm falling for him so much Tills..xo

Tilly replied almost instantly.

Tilly: I warned you when you moved in with him! Babes its fine we can find someone else to take ur mind off him xo

Me: What if I dont want anyone else?xo

Tilly: Then Zoey hunny, you are insane xo

Well thanks for the advice Tilly.. that didnt help at all! I decided just sleep on it and decide what to do in the morning.

*Next day*

I woke up to my head pounding as if I had a hang over. I didnt have a hang over. It was probably just a migraine... I got changed, curled my hair and applied make up. I looked like this: polyvore 

Once I was satisfied with the way I looked I went downstairs to see the boys. I had woken up late and missed breakfast. I would be lucky to get breakfast even if I had woke up on time, Luke and Jai would always grab everything and eat it before anyone got the chance! I joined the twins in the lounge and suddenly realised that Beau wasnt here.

"Bit late for Beau to wake up isnt it?" I asked and frowned as I looked at the time on my phone. 11: 30. Jai and Luke looked at each other nervously. I could tell something was going on..

Worth Fighting For - A Beau Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now