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Station tapops]

The aliens were busy with their work, their feet stomping on the ground. The place was bustling with many aliens rushed around to attend to the numerous customers who had arrived. Amidst this busy chaos, there was a teenage girl who walked calmly, greeting the aliens who passed by her.


"Good morning!"

The aliens smiled at her positive energy as they gave her a little waved then continued working,the white hair girl smiled satisfiedly at this

While everyone was busy she quickly and quitely made herself disappeared from their views and without anyone noticing she made her way into one of the room

The door closed behind her and she quickly scanned the room. It appeared that nobody was there. However, she soon noticed numerous scattered files on the table and a mischievous smile appeared on her face as she walked towards them.

She began searching through various files until she stumbled upon one containing interesting information, causing a smirk to appear on her face.

"What are you planning?"

A voice could be heard behind her as panic rushed through her body she quickly turned around but when she saw who it was,the white hair girl sighed in relief at this

"Geez fang!don't scare me like that!"

Fang who was leaning on the wall while crossing his arms,raising an eyebrow at her action

"I'm sorry but can you tell me what are planning to do now,elyna?" He sighed

Elyna looked at him blankly "i didn't plan anything,I just want to see this interesting files since i didn't have any work here" She replied innocently but of course fang won't took that

"Really?because i know that smirk of yours very well and it means you have an idea to do something that is not good"

Upon hearing his words, Elyna sighed knowing there was no point in denying the lie.her brother knew her too well.

"Fine....come here and looks at this file"
Fang seems confused at her request but eventually do it as he took the file in her hands that she offered

He read it and his eyes widened somehow he knew what she was going to do,he looked at Elyna for a confirmation and she nodded with a confidence smile on her face

"You can't do that!what happen if they know?worse what if you get hurt?" He asked worriedly

Elyna shrugged "they won't know if you don't tell so it's okay"

Elyna smiled reassuringly at him but fang seems like he didn't agreed with her action

"Can't you just ask them?"

Elyna sighed as she shook her head "fang even if I ask them you know that they will say no,they still think I can't do it even when i already in the tapops so this is the only way i can prove to them that i'm strong and can take it"

Elyna winked at him "just believe me,it will be quick i will go and complete it fast then go home,it'll be done before you know it"

Yet fang still looks hesitated at this,elyna sighed

"Please fang?don't tell anyone,just keep this secret with you,I just need to do this.You understand that,right?"

Fang sighed,he knew even if he tried to stop her she'll not listen because once she made a decision no one can stop her

Then suprisingly fang patted her head "Fine i'll not tell anyone,just be careful at there and call me if you need any help El"

As soon as he said that a big smiled appeared on her face "yeayy!thank you fang" she gave fang a quick hugged

Fang just smiled at her action just then elyna offered a fist at him

"Partner in crime?"

Fang chuckled a little at this as he bump fist her

"Partner in crime"

Fang observed as Elyna searched for additional information with the file. Even though they had grown up, her little sister was still the same, and Fang felt grateful for it.

Just then he realized something really important

"Wait but what i need to do when they realize that you are gone?" He asked anxiously

Elyna turned towards him and a mischievous smile appeared on her face "that's for you to handle and remember you can't take back our deal"

When the two of them make a deal, they will bump fists and can't take it back. They always did this when they were causing trouble as kids.

it's has always been like this and that hasn't change even when they already grown up

Fang who realized this started to panic as he thought about what to do,elyna who watched him laughed at this

'Looks like everything will go smoothly'

At least that's what she thought

Ꮏ𐒀 𐒈𐒢 𐒨𐒀𐒐ᎿᎥ𐒐𐒜𐒢......

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