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{Ꭵ'𐒄 ⳒᏓλᏧ 𐒍𐒀𐒜'Ⲅ𐒢 ᎴλӺ𐒢}
<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

Elyna doesn't know what has happened because the last thing she saw was a card that went towards her then it all went to black

When she opened her eyes she was confused when she saw her friends and it seemed like they were confused as they looked around the station tapops

Somehow the station looked stable with its power already turned on and Elyna also saw a few aliens running around maybe doing their work

"What just happened?" Boboiboy asked confusedly

Just then elyna suddenly felt a sharp pain hit her head,it felt like all of her energy in her body had been drained out but she kept it to herself since she didn't want to make anyone worry

"You've just been released from the card,jokertu has been defeated" Kokoci replied

Elyna tried to keep up with the conversation but the more she ignored the pain the more she felt her head was really hurt,she massaged her forehead a little but it seemed like it didn't work

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder though she wasn't sure who since her vision was getting blurry though she heard someone asked

"El,are you okay?"

Is that Yaya or Ying? She's not sure,she nodded slowly and tried to reassuringly the person she was okay but her body betrayed her before she could even reply

The last thing she heard was everyone calling her name and then everything went black again

Boboiboy quickly caught Elyna in his arms before she could fall luckily he was the closest to her, and he sighed in relief at this

Fang who watched this quickly went over to her and took Elyna in his arms and carried

"Hey,hey el,can you hear me?" Fang tried to wake her up as he shook her body a little but unfortunately, she didn't woke up

Everyone else was getting worried as they watched this,they could see that Elyna was breathing heavily

"Fang,what happened to her?" Boboiboy asked worriedly

"Is she hurt?" Yaya asked concernedly

It seemed like Fang didn't hear them as he just stared panicly at Elyna,he's afraid,he's afraid what would happen to her,it's been a long time since she'd been like this and the last time was worse and for a moment he was getting a flashback

"Elyna,wake up!"

"Brother,what happened to her!?"

"Please don't leave me!"

Suddenly Fang felt like he couldn't hear anything except his own heartbeat,he needed to treat her now fast but for some reason his body couldn't move,it felt like he was frozen

Will she survived? He doesn't know and that made him scared

He didn't even heard his friends calling his name,he just kept looking at elyna,his body trembled but he just couldn't move

"Fang!!!!" Kokoci yelled snapping Fang back into reality as his eyes widened

"Bring her to the medical room now!"

Fang who finally realized this quickly went out of the room and ran to the medical room,followed by others

'Please be okay,el!'

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