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{Ꭵ ᎿⲄ𐒜ᎴᎿ 𐒍𐒀𐒜}

<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

Elyna need to be an actor one day because damn, her acting earlier was kind of good! She even made them believe that she was doing research here, and unfortunately, her ship was badly damaged (though the ship part was true). Then they started offering her help, which she accepted.

Not too mentioned,elyna wondered how naive can boboiboy be he just trust her who appeared out of nowhere while his friends was still hesitated about her but it's not like it's was her problem,so anyway...

You may be wondering why Elyna needs to lie about herself? Well, they may seem like good people, but Elyna was taught not to trust too easily because looks can be deceiving.

That's why she made a fake identity of herself to make sure they are good and/find out their true motive here and maybe took some of their things?

They also asked about the bear earlier but elyna said she rather not to say anything about it,they were not really satisfied by this but what can they do,elyna really doesn't want to tell them

They informed Elyna that they needed to assist a Gurundan native named Waibi, whose village had been attacked, before they could help her. Elyna of course did not mind about this.

They were walking out of the cave and making their way to the village. Since the others still looked wary of her, Elyna decided to stick with Boboiboy so it would be easy for her to get information.

"So.....if you don't mind me asking what do you guys doing here?" Boboiboy doesn't seems like he has any doubt about her as he smiled at her which suprised elyna a little bit

"Oh we were looking for a power sphera so we can complete our mission"

Elyna eyes widened a little as she heard this,mission?does that mean they were in tapops too?but she has never seen them before so which organizations they work for?

Boboiboy seems to noticed elyna shocked stated as he watched her thinking about something "You okay?"Elyna flinched a little at this "o-oh,don' worry i was thinking about my research"

Boboiboy smiled at her "Don't worry,after this we will definitely help you"

she stared at him, searching for any signs of lies, it seemed like he was serious. Elyna couldn't help but chuckle a little at his naive personality, which made the boy confused.

Before boboiboy could question about it,suddenly a voice interrupted him

"Here we are!" Waibi announced

They looked up and saw the village sign as Waibi led them in.

As they walked through the village, it appeared quite empty and abandoned, which gave elyna an eerie feeling.

"Where is everyone?" Boboiboy asked confusedly

"They all has fled to the mountain to avoid getting attack by the monster" waibi pointed out at one of the mountain

Another native of Gurunda ran towards them in a panic, and Elyna guessed he was the son of Waibi, as they looked somewhat familiar.

"Father!another house has been attacked!"

Everyone eyes widened as they heard this

"What!?quickly little spaling!follow me!!" Waibi ordered and they all quickly followed him

Upon arrival, they all saw that the house had been badly destroyed. Elyna frowned, suspecting who had done it, but the question remained: why?

"What happened here?" Elyna asked

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