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{𐒍𐒀𐒜'Ⲅ𐒢 Ꮄ𐒀 𐒨𐒀𐒀Ꮣ}
<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

|Boboiboy 𝙝as lost,earlier he felt hungry and
tried to find the cafeteria but until now he still couldn't find it,his friends were nowhere to be seen and there was no one he could ask for help

The only way he could think to help himself was to open all the doors in this hallway,I mean it's better than just helplessly walking around with no direction

So one by one he opened the door but unfortunately it wasn't a cafeteria and there was one more door in the hallway he hadn't opened yet

He opened it and was shocked when he saw elyna was fighting many robots,he watched around the room and it was really big with a big window that had a pretty view

He guessed maybe this was a training room that elyna always talked about,he wanted to call her but he didn't want to bother her,so he just waited

Boboiboy watched as elyna took out her staff and turned it into a blade and one by one she defeated the robot yet many robots kept coming back surrounding her making her trapped in the middle

Boboiboy was questioning himself if he should help or not but elyna didn't seem to panic instead she looked calm for someone in that situation

Just then he saw elyna smirk,then she used her power and white smoke appeared making boboiboy unable to see what happened

When the smoke disappeared elyna who was once in the middle surrounded by the robots gone instead there were many elyna in the room making the robots chase her or them?

When the robots touched her, she disappeared while boboiboy was confused about where was the real elyna

Meanwhile the robot who was still also confused suddenly got tied together by a lasso and the culprit was none other than elyna who was now wearing her fox mask

She pulled the lash tighter until it cut through the robot's body and just like that she defeated all of them

The fox mask disappeared and a satisfied smile plastered on her face

While she does all of that boboiboy watches in amazed at this,i mean he never seen her fight and he got to be honest when she fights all of those robots,she looks really cool

Just then elyna noticed him and boboiboy smiled awkwardly at her,for some reason this situation just felt awkward

Elyna smirked teasingly at this "Well,who would have thought I have a stalker"

Boboiboy's eyes widened at this as his face started to flustered because of the embarrassment

He quickly shook his head anxiously"No,no,no!,you misunderstood I'm not watching you,i-i mean I did b-but I'm not stalking you"

He tried to explain but failed miserably,he didn't know why it was so hard as he stuttered but he just felt nervous and panicked when she said that because he didn't want her to think of him as a bad guy or even a stalker!?

He just wants to look good in her eyes

Elyna who watching him,chuckled in amusement,it's always satisfying for her to see him getting nervous and flustered like this

"Relax boboiboy, I'm just joking,of course you're not like that,right?~" She smiled teasingly

Boboiboy who was anxiously panicked earlier stopped and quickly nodded

"Yeah,of course I'm not" he chuckled awkwardly

Elyna smiled at this "Come in,you surprised me earlier"

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