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{Ꮚ𐒢Ꮣ𐒨𐒀𐒄𐒢 𐒈λ𐒨Ꮵ 𐒢Ꮣ}
<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

Elyna still remembered the first time she encountered with the space bug and it was the worst experience ever

It's was when elyna first got her starter spaceship license,she was so excited at that time and couldn't wait to ride a spaceship alone but kaizo didn't let her do that,so was she just gonna get along with it?

Yeah,you got it of course she'll not let that stop her

So she took one of the spaceship quitely without telling anyone and dragged fang with her too since he found out about her plan

She will not let fang miss the 'fun'(that's what she said)

Anyway fang already tried to stop her but of course she won't listen and fang couldn't let elyna went alone so that's why he followed her so he can atleast kept her safe

At first everything was going well but then the spaceship suddenly just stopped moving

Fang started to panic but elyna doesn't took it seriously at that time since she thought the engine was just lacking but then she noticed something else outside the ship

That's the first time she ever saw the spaceship bugs and it was a lot,if it wasn't for kaizo who saved them maybe she wouldn't be here now

Elyna thought she will never see that spacebugs again because she really doesn't want to but like always her expectation was ruined

all of them were panicking as the spacebugs made their way to the ship and started to suck the spaceship but luckily motobot gave them a vehicle for each one of them so that they can fight the spaceship bugs

Though elyna didn't joined them because she need to help commander with the engine

"How's the status commander?" Elyna asked anxiously

Kokoci sighed "we've lost the majority of our ship energy"

"Then let's use the solar panels to recharge the reactor engines" elyna suggested as kokoci nodded

"let's turn it on"

Elyna quickly went to the panels and started to take out the solar panels

"Elyna go to the control room and launch an s.o.s signal" kokoci ordered

Elyna nodded "Okay commander!"

She quickly ran to the control room and when she arrived she saw papa zola was panicking as why the air conditioner still wasn't working

Elyna sweatdroped at this but then quickly send the signal,just then she remembered something

Fang still doesn't know that she already back,he gonna get angry when she told him what happened at planet gurunda,she could already imagine him scolded her with that mushrooms hat


Mushroom hat

Everyone was fighting really well yet all the spacebugs kept coming back,just when elyna could felt all those anxious came back suddenly a ship she really know appeared

A smile appeared on her face as all of her panic and anxious earlier disappeared

Fang quickly teleport out of the ship with his vehicle and honestly it would look cold if it wasn't for the mushrooms head

Elyna who watched him from inside the ship held back a laughter while the others looked at him in shocked

"How dare you attack my friends!?"

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