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Elyna really need to keep track in time because they has been staying at earth for a long time but for some reason it felt like it was just yesterday elyna arrived at earth and now they need to go back at the station tapops

Elyna wondered what others reaction when they see her,kokoci did said that she made everyone worried,damn now she felt kind of guilty but eh she didn't regret it

Before they go kokoci said they need to announced a new member of tapops which were boboiboy and his friends,elyna didn't know why he need to do that since she never saw anyone do it at tapops

Though elyna can.guess,maybe because kokoci just want to announced that his ship has been restored,kokoci does loved his spaceship so much

Since elyna already apart of the tapops she just sat on the chair drinking an ice chocolate while boboiboy and his friends on the stage with a proud smile on their face

After a while waiting kokoci finally arrived and the ceremony started

"Good morning,everyone" kokoci greeted

"On this historic day,I as the commander of tapops am pleased to announce that this spaceship has been fully restored" he announced proudly as confetti appeared

The others clap their hands while elyna gave a thumb up to them(yeah you could guess from where she learn from)

"Therefore it is time for all members of tapops to head back to the tapops space station!"

When kokoci said that elyna remember something as a frowned appeared on her face,ochobot who noticed went towards her

"Are you okay,el?"

"Ochobot....after this i can't drink ice chocolate anymore,i will miss the taste!!!" She whined as ochobot sweatdroped at this

Somehow this remind him of someone as ochobot glanced at boboiboy and gopal who was talkig(try guess who?)

Just then ochobot noticed something on her wrist "Hey el,is that a watch?" Ochobot asked curiously

Elyna who was whining stopped as she felt confused at ochobot sudden question"Yeah,it is"

"Can i take a look?"

Elyna saw no reason why would she say no,so she agreed as she let ochobot held her wrist to take a closer look at her watch

This may sounds crazy but somehow elyna watch was like something ochobot would make to give others people power

In other words her watch almost familiar like the one ochobot has gave before to boboiboy and his friends only this one wasn't upgraded

But how could that be,as long as ochobot remembered he never meet elyna or gave her any watch or does he?

"El,you said that your illusion power came from this watch,right?"

Elyna nodded slowly getting confused at ochobot weird attitude


Before ochobot could ask another question,kokoci called out to him

"Ochobot!open the teleportal now"

Ochobot nodded as he let go of elyna wrist


Then he opened the teleportal

"Ochobot,are you okay?is there something wrong with my watch?" Elyna asked worriedly while looking at her watch

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