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{Ꭵ'𐒄 ᎵⲄ𐒀𐒜Ꮷ 𐒀Ӻ 𐒍𐒀𐒜}

|Elyna walked through the hallway to |go to the room where her friends would be taking the test,if she can she just wanted to continue sleeping but she had taught boboiboy yesterday so she needed to see how he would be doing plus admiral had ordered her and fang to go to the test so they can teach them


So yeah,say goodbye to your beauty sleep elyna

After a few minutes of walking,she arrived,the door opened and she walked in.Elyna saw that all of them already arrived

"Good morning!" She greeted happily

Boboiboy and gopal smiled at her
"Good morning,el"

Just then elyna noticed that yaya and Ying were glaring at each other furiously like they were enemies,she raised an eyebrow at this

"What's up with them?"

Gopal sighed annoyedly at this "they are arguing about who will get the first place"

"Are they always like that?"

Boboiboy nodded as he chuckled awkwardly "Yeah....ever since they were little kid"

As they were talking they didn't realize that fang already come into the room until he walked past them

"Good morning cadet" he greeted arrogantly

Gopal looked at him blankly"there you are fang,come here and do warm up"

At gopal words,fang laughed "what are you saying,i already took the test a long time ago"

Elyna sweatdropped at this

"Plus me and el got an A" he said proudly

Boboiboy and gopal scowled at fang arrogant attitude as elyna smiled at this

Just then admiral and commander arrived and all of them quickly took their position

Gopal,yaya,Ying and boboiboy lined up together while fang and elyna beside admiral

"Are you ready for the first part of the exam?The Easy-A exam!" Admiral asked

"Yes admiral!"

"Easy-A?should be easy-peasy!" Gopal smirked at this

Elyna had to hold his laugh hearing this while fang smirked

"Easy-peasy!The test was named like that because it was so easy to fail" the admiral explained

Gopal gasped in shock at this "easy to fail!?"

Just then out of nowhere a table appeared in front of them as they sat on a chair

"Get ready for.....the written test!" Kokoci announced

Gopal eyes widened in suprised "what!?written test!?"

Then a paper suddenly fell from above and landed on each of their tables

"You have 30 minutes to answer all the questions" admiral said

Boboiboy and elyna looked at each other,she winked playfully and smiled at him while he nodded in determination and then started answering the question

Yesterday elyna told Boboiboy about all the power sphera she know,so she is confident that he can pass this  or at least hopes so

"Hey i notice boboiboy seems to be doing well,did you teach him or something?" Fang whispered to her

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