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{Ꮏ𐒅λ𐒐Ꮵ 𐒍𐒀𐒜}
<i ﺎ ﺎ ᴜ 𝘀 i 𝓸 𝔫>

| Elyna felt boring,since the others
|already went on a mission she doesn't know what to do.She doesn't want to just lying on her bed all day when she already recovered

The hallway was empty and silent as she walked through it,elyna sighed at this.When she thought about it all over again,she already used being alone in the station tapops

Most of the time her brother would be doing missions and since they didn't trust her yet to give her a mission,she just stayed at the station tapops alone

It's not like she doesn't have any friends at all but most of the time they were busy with their mission and worked making Elyna alone

So this feeling of loneliness was something usual for her though for some reason she felt like she was forgetting something

The door opened and elyna eyes widened when she saw yaya and ying were playing cards together

Ying who noticed her,smiling brightly "Hey El!good to see you"

"Hey,you want to join us" Yaya offered

For a moment elyna forgot that they didn't go to the mission with the boys

She forgot that she has new friends

She forgot someone was here with her

She forgot that she wasn't alone

Elyna smiled brightly at this as she nodded


Then she happily joined them playing together,soon the room filled with laugher,and after a long time being in the station tapops elyna never felt alone anymore knowing she has them,her friends

She looked at yaya and ying who was arguing about something with a soft smiled on her face

She couldn't help but put both of her arms around their shoulders making them shocked and confused at this

"Thank you" She smiled brightly at them

Yaya and ying doesn't understand what elyna mean but they decide not to ask anything since elyna looks so happy and just joined the moment

They chuckled softly at her

"You're welcome"

Now elyna know that she wouldn't be lonely anymore because she had someone on her side and she'll cherish them forever

When morning came,kokoci ordered the girls to go to the main room which they quickly followed,they didn't know why kokoci was so in a hurry but they overheard that someone important had arrived

Elyna could guess who is it but it seems impossible(or does it?)

When they arrived at the main room they saw kokoci sitting on the chair while typing on the keyboard

"Commander,is there something urgent?" Yays asked confusedly

Before he could answer the door opened revealing the boys and a really buff stranger

Yaya and ying were confused as to who was while elyna eyes widened in shocked as she recognized this person


Kokoci immediately greeted admiral as elyna glanced at fang who shrugged at this

"I take it you're aware of the situation with tapops?" Kokoci asked anxiously

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