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{ᎿⲄ𐒜ᎴᎿ 𐒄𐒢}

|Now it's time for boboiboy to take the toughness test

All of them were told that they would take the simulation test on the planet Volcania which filled with active volcanoes and rivers of molten lava

Their task was to retrieve the power sphera at the top of the mountain

As commander was explaining to them about their task suddenly boboiboy noticed something or someone missing

"Umm,commander" boboiboy called out


"Where's elyna,will she take the test with us?" He asked curiously

"And will she be on the same team with us too?" Yaya added hopefully

Kokoci scowled at this "Elyna is already at the planet waiting for you guys"

Their eyes widened in shock hearing this


"And yes she will be on the same team with you guys"

All of them cheered happily at this happy that elyna is with them not noticing the concerned expression on fang face

After that they quickly got teleported to the planet,gopal was confident that they would complete the task since it was a simulation

But then he was confused as to why he felt pain when suddenly a hot smoke shot from the ground,they ran until they arrived at the volcano base which they need to cross a pool of lava

Yaya and ying crossed it easily while the others needed to struggle a little, and then boboiboy got hurt trying to save gopal from a big explosion of lava


Boboiboy body fall on the ground harshly as the others quickly went over to him

Gopal quickly help boboiboy sat up as he groaned painfully

"Boboiboy are you okay!?" Gopal asked panicly

Boboiboy nodded despite the pain "i'm...okay"

"But how come a simulation hurt this bad" boboiboy questioned

Just then a holigram suddenly appeared from boboiboy watch showing admiral who was laughing

"That's because it's NOT a simulation" he revealed

"What!?" Their eyes widened in shocked at this stated

Then a holigram of commander appeared beside admiral

"My apologized,it's true that this test are usually a simulation however....owh!"

Before commander can explained more
admiral suddenly push him from the chair

"No buts!"

Panic and shocked rushed in their body

"With our situation as desperate as it is now,it's better for this test to be conducted in a real life environment" he said strictly

Yaya and ying looked at each other in worried

"Isn't that too dangerous, admiral?" Boboiboy questioned

Admiral scowled "if you think all of this too much for you,you're welcome to give up"

Gopal sighed in relief "ooo...so we can give up.shall we boboiboy?"

"Hey,we can't give up now!" He declined

"We must keep going!let's go fang-"

Before boboiboy can finish his words,he realized that fang wasn't with them

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