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"What did you just say?"

"I'm gay."

My Mother chuckled and looked at me, amused. "This is a joke, right? It's a good one Evan. You scared me."

I took a deep breath, trying to stay expressionless. "I'm being serious Mom. I'm actually gay. I always have been."

Her eyes turned dark and she stared at me with a face I couldn't make out. Sad? Upset? Surprised?

"Say something," I said quietly after a minute.

"Get out of my house."

"What?" I choked.

"You heard me. Pack up your things and leave."

My eyes filled with tears. "You don't love me?"

"I don't tolerate sinners in my household," she said. "Get out! And don't return. I will not have a faggot for a son!"

I ran blindly up the stairs and threw a change of clothes into my backpack, my phone charger, a wad of cash and finally the note that Luke left for me.

"I'm still your son," I said when I came back downstairs, "I'm still the same person I always have been."

"Get out, you... You faggot!" My Mother screamed, and pointed a trembling finger towards the door.

"Go to hell," I whispered, and burst out the front door onto the dark streets.

It had previously rained a few hours before and everything was slick and damp with rainwater.

I was sobbing hysterically and basically homeless.

With shaking fingers I dialed my brother's number.

"Evan? Hey what's up buddy?"

"M-mom just kicked me out," I barely managed to get out between sobs.

"What the fuck, why?"

"I'm g-gay and s-she kicked me out," I said on the edge of hysterics.

"I'm so sorry," he said, his voice cracking. "Evan I'm over twelve hours away from you by car. It would take me forever to get to you. I- I'm sorry. I'll try to catch the next flight out as soon as I can. Call Tia, she'll take you. Hold on buddy."

I disconnected, (don't make a joke I just got kicked out), and dialed Tia's number, tears threatening to spill again.

"Hey Roberts what's up?" She said cheerfully.

"I just got kicked out," I sobbed and explained everything that happened. "Can you come pick me up? I'm at the end of my street, please."

"Evan...." I could hear her voice trembling. "I'm in the mountains. I couldn't get to you if I tried... I'm lucky I have reception.... I- I'm so sorry Evan," she cried.

I hung up on her and dialed the only number I could think of.


"You ready for soundcheck mate?" Calum asked uneasily.

I checked my phone quickly, seeing a missed call from Evan. He probably wanted to apologize or something. I'd talk to him later.

I walked on stage in a daze with the fakest smile I've ever worn.

"Luke are you gay?" A fan in front of me demanded. I smiled tightly. "How are you guys doing tonight? You ready for the show?"

There were some half-hearted cheers from the crowd, but I mostly heard whispers like "Luke," and "gay", and other things like that.

Fanboy // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now