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Three days until school started, and I was still across the country with Luke. Three days.

I had three years of perfect test scores and attendance. If I didn't show up for senior year, it would be hasta la vista to my scholarship. My one ticket into college where I'd finally be with my brother again.

I couldn't have a perfect life with Luke and a chance at a scholarship.

"We're flying back to Aussie soon Evan!" Luke exclaimed happily that night in the hotel lobby. "You can finally come and meet my family."

I laughed weakly. "That sounds awesome babe."

Luke frowned. "Everything okay Ev? You look a little pale...."

"I think I'm just thirsty," I lied. "I'm going up to the hotel room to get something to drink. You stay here."

I knew the tone in my voice sounded off, but he bought it.

"Okay, I'll be up in half an hour."

My throat felt dry. "Okay."

"Evan?" He said as I turned to leave.


"I love you," he grinned.

I turned away so he couldn't see the tears threatening to spill. "I love you too."

Taking the elevator up to the hotel room me and Luke were sharing, I snatched up my suitcase and packed up my clothes, leaving one sweatshirt that Luke always said I looked adorable in.

Tears splashed down the front of my shirt as I ripped a piece of paper off the hotel memo pad and scribbled a note.


I love you with all of my heart. Every last bit. I love your smile, your lips, the way your dimples pop every time you say a corny joke. I love your hair and how much time you spend making it perfect. I love your eyes and how they always seem to know what I'm thinking.

I love everything about you.... But I'm writing this to tell you I'm leaving. I have to go back to school and if I don't then I'll fail. I'm so sorry. I love you so much and since you've gone through this before, you'll know that I can't do this in person.

I promise I'll find you again one day, whether through a Twitter DM, or maybe at a concert.

I love you so much Luke Hemmings. I always have, since your emo fringe in heartbreak girl to now. I will always love you.

Tell the other boys thank you too.

Love, Mr. All American.

Okay so maybe it was more of a letter than a note but that wasn't the point.

With shaking hands, I folded the paper neatly and left it on the desk.

Wiping tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand, I picked up my bag and my wallet and took an elevator downstairs, making sure it was a different one that didn't lead directly to the lobby.

"Evan?" A voice said behind me.

I silently cursed myself for not being quicker and I turned around to see Ashton, a frown on his face. "Hi Ash. What's up?"

"Have you been crying? What are you doing? Why do you have a suitcase?"

"I- Ash, I um, I have to do something. Tell Luke I said bye." I ripped away from his troubled eyes and started running down a hallway which had an exit at the end.

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