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"So Evan Thomas Roberts, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

Luke smiled goofily in front of me, holding out flowers that my nation would be proud of. He had a wide, dorky grin on his face, the one I fell In love with. However his eyes were dark and sad and my heart ached to know why.

I took the flowers gratefully. "Luke Robert Hemmings, I will happily do you the honor of being your boyfriend."

His eyes lightened and his smile grew bigger as he threw his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Oh my god I love you," I gasped as he squeezed me tightly.

"I love you too, boyfriend," he giggled at the word and I had to laugh with him.

I pulled back and studied his face, which was still troubled from something.

"Luke I love you but something is wrong and you can't deny it. I see it in your face."

Luke bit his lip and tears swelled in his eyes.

I wrapped my arms around him. "Did you guys have a fight?"

He nodded. "Me, Cal and Mikey," he said thickly. "I punched Mikey."

"Oh Luke," I whispered, pulling him inside my hotel room. "You guys have to make up."

He whined softly and I kissed his forehead. "Please? For me?"

He groaned. "Ugh, fine. Only because I love you."

"I'll go down with you," I said quietly, taking his hand.

He nodded silently and we took the elevator down to his hotel room.

I knew I was swimming in dangerous waters as I stepped up to the door. Michael's face was messed up, courtesy of Luke, and Calum probably wasn't feeling very warm and fuzzy either.

I knocked timidly on the door, which Ashton gratefully answered.

"Ev! Luke! Oh my god it's been fucking hell." Ashton ushered us in the room, slamming the door behind us. His eyes widened, noticing our intwined hands.

"Luke does that mean what I think it means?"

He gave Ashton a teeny smile and nodded.

"Oh my fucking god Levan! Levan lives!" Ashton squealed quietly.

I had to laugh. "That's our ship name? Levan?"

Ashton nodded. "Yes! It's perfect."

Luke rolled his eyes. "You guys and your ship thingy, whatever that is."

I rubbed the back of Luke's hand with my thumb. "You'll know soon."

"Know what soon?" Michael appeared in the doorframe of the hotel bathroom, holding a bag of ice to his pale face and purple jaw.

Luke's eyes flickered down.

"Nothing," Ashton jumped in quickly.

"What's he doing here?" Michael jerked his head at my and Luke squeezed my hand. Michael took notice.

"What's that? Wait you're not telling me Luke.... Him.... Seriously?"

Michael's bag of ice fell from his face in shock and shattered onto the floor, sending ice cubes in every direction.

"You guys are dating?" His mouth gaped open in surprise.

"As of five minutes ago," Luke muttered nervously.

Fanboy // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now