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The day of the concert.

Repeat: the day of the concert.

I'm going to say it again because I can.

Today was the day of the concert.

Excited was a complete understatement. To be honest, I don't even know what I was. Scared? Anxious? Optimistic? I had no idea.

Tia showed up at my house at eight AM sharp in high-waited shorts, a crop top, converse, and a red bandana.

"You look cute!" I grinned.

She smirked and tossed her hair back. "Thanks Roberts, I try."

I laughed again but turned serious. "Tia I have no fucking clue what to wear."

"Okay listen. You want to look causal, but not gross and plus you're going to the soundcheck so..." She pulled out a black t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black skinny jeans and black vans. "Put this shit on, you'll look cool."

So I obeyed and put the shit on, and actually thought I looked really good.

"Let me inspect your quiff," Tia instructed and I bent down so she could look at it. "Perfect."

"Oh shit, my Mom's calling me," Tia muttered, scrambling to get her phone. "Mom? Yes. Yes we're coming. Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay. We'll be right there. Okay. Yes. Bye."

I looked at her with raised eyebrows and she laughed. "She's waiting for us outside in the car, c'mon. We want to beat the traffic."

So I dashed downstairs holding my phone, a sign to hold up, the tickets, (of course), my clothes for the next day, and I hastily wished my Mother a goodbye and not expecting one in return, (she grunted and told me my curfew to the hotel was 11:00), and we were finally, finally, after months of waiting, on our way to the concert.






Me and Tia were singing at the top of our lungs while her poor mother drove us to Hartman Center for the concert later that night.

"You kids really love this band don't you?" Tia's mom laughed.

I grinned. "Heckin heck yeah we do."

Tia rolled her eyes. "Mom I've been obsessed with them for the last two years and you're saying this now?"

"Oh sweetie you know what I mean."

Me and Tia exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

Every mile marker we passed, every exit we took made my stomach churn, I was so close to seeing my idols and one of my best friends, and I'm sure Tia felt the same way minus the friend thing.

Traffic started to slow us down and it was an anxious wait, I unconsciously jiggled my legs and drummed on them, not speaking because if I did I might throw up with fear and excitement.

We quickly checked into the hotel and I tossed all my clothes onto a bed and ran out the door, acting like a five year old but I couldn't care, I was too hopped up on adrenaline.

"The hotel is only a few minutes walk from the Center kids, so I'll be doing some sightseeing! I want you back at the hotel by at least 11:30 and no hooking up with the band members," Tia's mom said sternly and I burst out in giggles because she was completely serious.

"Do you have the tickets?" Tia said nervously and I held up the tickets, even counting them.

We finally pulled into a spot where we could get out and Tia's mom wished us good luck and to meet us at the hotel when the concert was over.

"Oh my god this is actually happening," Tia whimpered as we got our soundcheck passes and got into the line.

I started to scroll through Twitter to calm my nerves and Tia did the same.

Suddenly, I heard a sharp gasp from her and almost dropped my phone.

"Tia what's wrong?" I noticed her fingers were shaking as she dialed her Mom's phone number.

"Mom? Yes, what hotel are we staying in? Uh-uh? Oh my god, okay. Okay Mom thank you. Oh my god I had no idea okay bye."

"Tia was is it?" I shook her shoulders gently.

She showed me a picture on Twitter with the caption: The hotel that the boys are staying in!

My stomach plummeted to my feet. It was our hotel. The one we checked into.

"Holy fucking mother of fucking shit!" I yelled loudly, causing several girls to look at us in alarm. "We're staying in their hotel? What if we were on the same floor? Holy shit Tia."

She laughed and wiped her eyes. "It's not even the fucking concert yet and I can't contain myself."

Suddenly, security guards flanked our sides and started ushering us forwards. "Line's moving kids, start walking."

My heart raced.

We were going in.


"Fuck it. I can't do it."

I paced around backstage, waiting for soundcheck to start and to meet Evan.

I really didn't know what to expect. I mean I had a crush on him but would it show? Will I be able to play it off? Or will I look like an ass in front of him?

Dave came in the dressing room and looked around, not really acting surprised when he saw Calum and Michael stripping to Stacy's Mom, and Ashton reading a book on something probably boring in the corner.

"Get ready boys, the fans are coming in for soundcheck."

Michael and Calum pulled their pants back on and bounded forwards after Dave. "Woohoo!" Michael shouted.

I hung back and waited for Ashton, who gripped my shoulder. "You ready for this mate?"

I swallowed hard and pushed my hair up. "I-I think so."

He smiled. "Good luck. I know this'll go well for you."

"Why are you wishing him luck? It's just a soundcheck." I jumped when I realized that Madison was in the corner, listening to everything we said.

"Nothing, it's nothing," I said quickly.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Hey, I was just wondering. Oh, and are we scheduled to do anything after the show?"

"I sure hope not," I muttered as I walked out of the room, not caring if she heard me.

I felt like a child walking out on stage. Scared, vulnerable, and timid. I was so overwhelmingly nervous about the entire thing and-

"LUKE!" A voice yelled.

I blindly scrambled off the stage. "Evan?"

"LUKE!" He shouted and I caught sight of the tall, brown-haired boy and ran forwards, launching myself into his arms.

"Luke," he sobbed. "Oh my god Luke."

I hugged him so tightly I was afraid he would break. "Evan, Evan Magehvan."

He giggled and I heard him sniffle.

"Do not cry on me Evan I swear to god," I whispered as tears pricked in my eyes.

I was finally in the arms of the person I loved.

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