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The flight to our next concert was all the way across the country. I was silent the entire way.

When we landed, I put on a fake smile and met fans, but all I could think about was being with Evan.

I finally checked my phone when we got to the hotel room, finding a text from him.

From Evan: hey Luke..

To Evan: I don't know why you're still talking to me :(

From Evan: why? Did you do something?

To Evan: I left you without saying goodbye :(

From Evan: I don't blame you, I probably would have chased you to the plane.

To Evan: I'm sorry babe :((

From Evan: Luke.

To Evan: what?

From Evan: I love you.... I always will

To Evan: I love you too <3 you'll love me even more when you try my toasted Vegemite sandwich ;)

From Evan: oh god, you Aussies and your Vegemite. I tried it once and puked everywhere.

To Evan: I don't think we can talk anymore.

From Evan: oh please u can't stay away from me ;))

"Luke.... You might want to see this...." Ashton called me over quietly.

To Evan: true X-) hey listen, I have to go, Ashton's calling me, I love you and I'll call you later okay?

From Evan: <3 okay

"What is it Ash?" I said tiredly, getting up to see what he wanted.

He simply held up his phone in my face. There was a fuzzy, low-quality video playing of something I couldn't make out.

"I can't see anything?"

"Look closer," he grimaced.

I stared closer and saw me, hugging a tall figure tightly.

"Is that Evan?" I asked him. "Is this from soundcheck?"

He nodded. "Yeah. A fan filmed it."

I groaned and tugged on my hair. "Fuck. Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen! Where's this video from?"


"Oh shit. Who's seen it?"

Ashton scrolled down his timeline to a few fan responses.

@Cashtonsass: Luke wyd? That kid was cuuuute thoooo.

@Larrymukesaround: fuckfuckfuck oh shit what the hell Luke? Bro??

@Sociallmichael: I've never seen luke hug a fan that tightly much less a guy fan... @luke5sos tf are you hiding?

I handed Ashton his phone back, a slightly sympathetic expression on his face.

"Tweet something," he advised.

I whipped out my phone and quickly typed a tweet.

Luke5sos: I love every single one of u guys so much :) no matter what you look like, act like or smell like, lol

I sighed, and prayed the tweet would work.


The drive home from the concert was bittersweet.

I could tell Tia was excited about the concert and meeting Michael, but she knew I was sad about Luke leaving.

So for her sake, I put on a brave face and talked about the concert with her.

"And did you see Calum's solo during beside you? Holy fuck!" She cried.

"Tianna!" Her mom snapped.

"Sorry Mom."

After the concert I briefly explained what me and Luke did when I snuck out.


"Tianna! Lower your voice!"

"Mom I don't think you understand. Evan holy f- holy crap. I'm not okay."

I smiled even though the hole in my chest ached for Luke and his arms around me again.

A few minutes later though, Tia was asleep so I decided to check Twitter. There seemed to be some sort of blowup going on. Had I missed something?




I typed a tweet.

@Heartbr8kboy: what the fuck is going on? What have I missed?

I went to trending hashtags and my stomach dropped when I saw "Luke Hemmings is gay."

Oh shit, I thought, clicking on it. A fuzzy photo appeared on the screen.... A familiar setting, with familiar people.

It was me and Luke, kissing; his hand on my cheek, another one holding my hand. The photo was terribly grainy and taken from behind me at a distance, but you could clearly tell it was Luke.

The caption was- 5sos crew member leaks a photo of Luke Hemmings kissing a mystery boy backstage after the Hartman Center concert, 7/18/15.

I quickly dialed Luke's number and he answered on the first ring.

"Hey, what is it? Is there something wrong?" I could hear how concerned he was on the other end of the line.

"Have you seen what's going on? Like, at all?" I demanded.

"The leaked video of us hugging? Yeah, I tweeted trying to cover it up."

"There's a video on that?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said grimly. "But what were you calling about?"

"Luke, there's a leaked photo of us kissing at the concert backstage...."

"What?" I could hear his voice shake. "What do you mean there's a leaked photo?"

"A crew member leaked it," I said, pity in my tone. "I'm so sorry Luke...."

I heard a beeping noise. The line went dead.


I hung up on Evan, not caring if it was rude and dialed the only person I could think of that had experience with this.

The phone rang once, twice, three times. I was about to hang up when I heard a voice.

"Luke? Hey mate, I haven't heard from you in forever? What's going on?"

"Louis, I need your help. It's urgent."

Fanboy // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now