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Evan grabbed my hand and I blushed as he pulled me close.

"I really like you Luke," he said softly, resting his forehead on mine.

He tilted his head, his eyes shining.


He leaned in slowly....


"Hmm? Ashton? What is it?" I sat up, rubbing my sleep-filled eyes. "Where's Evan?" I yawned.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Is that what you were dreaming about? You had this huge dumb smile on your face."

My cheeks burned pink but my heart sunk.

It was only a dream.

"We need to talk," Ashton lowered his voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Just come with me Luke."

"Ashton, tell me," I sat up on my bed and pulled on a pair of thongs.

He was silent as we walked out of our hotel room and took an elevator down to the lobby, stopping for a few fans.

"Luke will you get a picture with me?"

"Oh my god Katie, it's Luke and Ashton!"

"This is going to get so many notes on Tumblr!"

"Hello everybody," Ashton smiled warmly. "Me and Luke have somewhere to be, so we'll see you in a bit!"

The fans smiled and nodded and then finally subsided. God bless.

Ashton led me over to the hotel bar where at the table was our tour manager, John Feldman and a tall, attractive woman was sitting on a stool in a tight black dress, with dark brown hair tumbling down her shoulders.

"What's going on?" I hesitantly took a seat.

"Luke, Ash, good to see you." John smiled. "We have something to discuss."

The woman extended her hand for me to shake, which I took reluctantly. "Hi, I'm Madison Vallien, actress and model," she smiled warmly. "I heard you were in need of a fake girlfriend, so here I am."

"What?" I looked at Ashton and John. "What the hell is this all about?"

Ashton's eyes were tight. "John knows, Luke. I told him."

"What the fuck, Ash? That was only between us," I hissed.

"Nobody else knows. Only you, me, and Ashton." John offered a smile.

I scowled. "Make sure it stays that way please."

"Look, I don't really know what the problem is," the girl named Madison chimed in, "but all I heard was I'm getting paid for this."

She caught my stare and smiled awkwardly. "Not that it's a bad thing to be paid. You seem like a pretty okay guy."

"Right back at ya," I said sullenly.

Ashton nudged my arm. "Oh, relax. This is only temporary."

"Oh yeah? That's what management said to Louis Tomlinson and he was stuck with that girl for like- three years."

"That's One Direction, I don't even knows what goes on with them anymore," John sighed. "The point is, when you're ready to do your thing, that's when Miss Madison will no longer be required."

"I'm here for you buddy," she smiled.

"Do we have to like- kiss?" I asked uneasily.

"Only when the paps are around. Look Luke, it's easy, really," John explained. "Hold hands, look happy, kiss occasionally. That's it."

"That's it," I repeated. I turned to Madison. "Are you ready for the fandom?"

She gave a laugh. "I think I can take it. I'm excited for the rumors, that's going to be fun. You know, like trying to downgrade me as much as possible. Jealously is natural, so you try to make the person seem bad to make yourself feel better."

I decided she was smart and not bitchy which are two qualities I needed in a fake girlfriend.

"Remember Luke, it's just a short fling," Ashton assured me.

I looked at the three of them.

"Okay. Let's do it."


"So you FaceTimed him? How did it go?"

Tia was sprawled out on my bed, listening to the story on how I FaceTimed Luke the other night.

It only took one screenshot to prove it to her, the one with Luke running his hand through his hair.

"Oh my god," she sobbed after taking one glance. "His hair, I can't right now, I can't."

"I know," I groaned. "And I got to hear his voice in person. It's so thick, and-"

"-Evan you're going to give me a fucking heart attack, his hair is enough."

"Do you want to hear what happened or not?"

"Yes, sorry, tell me what happened."

So I told her, but left out a few parts, parts like when we gave each other nicknames, and when Ashton took Luke's phone and such.

She was nearly in tears by the end.

"I c-can't believe this actually happened to you!" She wailed, her eyes glistening. "And I can't even get a Michael follow!"

"Well I mean I guess me and Luke are friends, and-"

"Woah. Hold up," Tia held up her hand, her voice suddenly serious.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She read aloud, "Luke Hemmings seen with actress and model, Madison Vallien, in a hotel bar, 6/18/15."

She turned the phone to me where a fuzzy picture showed Luke and a woman with a black dress and brown hair were talking.

I noticed he was wearing the same clothes that I had FaceTimed him in.

"This had to have been a few hours after we talked," I told her, trying to ignore the tight feeling in my chest.

"I heard she's like- really bitchy and shit. She made her last boyfriend buy her everything she wanted," Tia said grimly. "And apparently she laughs at fat people."

"They could be friends you know," I stated, trying to reassure myself more than her.

She didn't buy it. "With her face and body? If they're friends, they won't be for long. You'd be a dumbass not to date someone like her, looks wise."

I shrugged, and her eyes softened. "Look, Evan. If they are dating, it doesn't mean Luke still won't want to talk to you. To me it seems like you're the only person he reaches out to these days. He started talking to you for a reason, so why would he stop now?"

I smiled at her words. "I guess you're right. Ugh, why couldn't I have an unproblematic fave, like Michael?"

Tia snapped her head up. "Are you kidding me? I cried for two hours straight last night because he added a fucking blue streak to his hair. Don't tell me that asshole isn't problematic."

I laughed. "Okay, okay. You're right."

She grinned. "I know. Hey, wanna see this Calum smut I wrote?"

I pushed my troubled thoughts to the back of my head. "Yeah, let's hear it."

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