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September 3, 1945

The war was over, and I still haven't seen Bucky yet. The planes had been going all morning doing drops offs.

Buck made me go to the bakery to get muffins for everyone and I even got to get a cupcake. Which is good because Buck paid for all of it.

"Thanks by the way for the muffins," Crosby said. "Yeah well thank Buck he paid for the muffins" Everyone was celebrating there were drinks everywhere.

My feet walked to the bunk house, all of the boys were packed up. The trunk was the only thing in the house.

My fingers traced over the trunk wanting to open the trunk so bad. I couldn't stop myself so I opened it. There was something knew in the trunk.

It was a box and I took one look at it. My fingers opened the box and inside was a necklace. It was a bird and I knew the bird.

The same bird we saw sitting in the tree, the same bird that Bucky and I talked about a couple of months later.

"Well I hoped you would react different" My heart did a flip inside my body. When I turned around I saw my tall brunette pilot. "Bucky" I ran upped up to him and hugged him.

"Hi doll" I didn't care if I was squeezing his head but I had missed him. "What-how did you get out?" "Let's just say someone had a soft spot for me"

He put me down on the ground and I was just happy to see him. "I thought you were gone" He got down to my level and kissed my cheek.

"So was I" "I saw Buck outside he looked happy" "That's because he's happy to see his best friend"

"I'm suppose to leave camp tomorrow morning, there sending me to a family" Bucky looked almost sad again.

"I know Crosby told me" We were silent after he said that. "Let's get dinner," Bucky said. The mess hall was pretty loud after the news we were told a couple of days ago.

Buck, Crosby, Rosie, and Bucky all finally sitting at a table again. It felt good to be around them.

"Hey Crosby do you remember when Curtis boxed an English soldier," Buck said.

"Hell yeah" they kept having there conversations. The good old times, maybe I wished my parents were still here to see me.

I wanted them to see how much I've changed. I could remember the times when we spent all day at the lake.

I tapped Bucky on the shoulder "I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be back"

As I got up I could see the eyes of soldiers who lost their best friends and for what to me cross their house.

My feet walked fast outside where I could see a big tree. As I walked to the tree I could see all the men celebrating inside.

It was there night, finally all of them together again. I sat down under the big oak tree and just looked up at the stars.

My eyes began to fall. The stars were peaceful.

~ September 4, 1945~

As I woke in my bed I tried to think how I got here. Maybe I walked back?

I got dressed and brushed my hair. I was heading to my new home today. Apparently I was heading to South Carolina.

When I was all packed I walked to Bucky's bunk house. Once I walked through all the beds were made and most of them not here.

"Margaret what are you doing here I thought you got on a plane" "my plane doesn't leave for another hour," I told Bucky.

"You're leaving too," I asked. "Yeah there sending me too Georgia" "what Bucky your not going home"

"I have some business still to take care of" "Okay well then I guess I'll see you," I told him.

As I started to walk away Bucky called my name "Margaret" I turned around. "Yeah"

"I still oh you that kiss" as I thought about what kiss was he talking about. Then I remembered Bucky made me a promise a couple of years ago.

"You don't have too Bucky" "but I want to" I smiled at him and shook my head. Once I turned around again I heard steps coming for me.

Bucky grabbed my wrist and pulled me around so I was facing him. And kissed me.

He put his hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. I didn't expect Bucky to go full out.

He was kissing me for real. When he pulled back I couldn't get the smile off my face.

"I'll come visit you in Charleston, I still oh you a pub drink" "Make it a date,"
I said.

"You're on" I almost turned around but Bucky was holding my hand. We walked to the plane I was suppose to be on.

Buck, Rosie, and Crosby were there waiting. "What are you guys doing here?" "We wanted to say goodbye plus Rosie wanted to give you a good luck charm," Crosby said.

When Rosie opened his hand it was a tiny snow globe. "Yeah I'm pretty sure it was Crosby's at some point but he gave it to me"

Over the past couple of months Rosie, Crosby, and Buck became my brothers. "Give them hell over there Margaret," Buck said.

"I will try Buck thank you" When I got in the plane I waited for the take off. "Wait," I heard a voice say.

It was him "Bucky what are you doing here" "making sure I'm not completely ghosting you" he gave me a small piece of paper.

It had his number on it. "Write be back okay or call" "yeah I will" when he finally turned around and started to walk away he stopped for a second and looked back.

I stared back at his brown eyes "bye doll" "bye John" then he was gone.

I was going to Charleston but the part I'm sad about is not seeing these guys anymore.

Looking out the window and saw them all chatting and knew they would be fine.

~ Ok so I'm maybe going to do a Bucky POV in the next chapter so get excited~

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