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" These mixed signals, mixed signals, they're killing me "

" These mixed signals, mixed signals, they're killing me "

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↳ Love, KaeKae.

Chicago, IL
Wednesday || Her Home.

" Bro chill, we just going ta twin house." Durk eyed the girl. Kae'Dyn had been staring at herself in the mirror for half an hour changing clothes.

" Bra I be really in five minutes." She said attempting to convince herself. Durk nodded going back to his phone.

After 10 minutes she finally came out ready, " Yo ass took all day just so you could look like a grease monkey?" Durk stared at her pulling off.

" Shut yo old ass up, only old folks say that." She mugged him and he chuckled.

" I'm telling Von, yup that's right he gon' handle dat' ass." He stuck his tongue out at her. She smacked him.

" Well I'm tellin' India. Mhm. That's exactly what imma do big eye ass." She pushed him and he laughed.

She laid her head on the window going back to her ipad. Her and Von was laid up the whole night Saturday, and the spent the whole day together Sunday. But Monday he began acting weird. Tuesday too. She was confused.

He just started acting weird out of the blue. Kae'Dyn wasn't gon chase him but she thought he was prolly acting weird because he realized her age. Or maybe she was being childish.

" We hear lil Kae." She heard. She looked up staring at the big house in her frame she began smiling as she got out the car grabbing her purse she slid her phone into the Brown Telfar Bag.

She stood beside Durk, the door opened which revealed a brownskinned girl. She was pretty til you got the the rest of her body. It looked unorganized and weird to her but she waved it off.

" How yall doing." She smiled walking inside the house keeping her eyes on the floor as she held onto the IPad tightly.

She walked into the living room seeing the same girl from earlier she was all on Von's Trail. " Aye waddup twin." Von slapped hands with Durk his eyes stuck on Kae'Dyn.

Asian quickly noticed this and began Mugging the younger girl. " Waddup lil folks, watchu been on." He pulled Kae'Dyn off the couch bringing her into a full hug.

She hugged him back before Asian stood up. " Bae, who is this?" She kept the mug on her face while she pulled him back. "move, weird body ass allat cockblockin'" Booka smacked his teeth causing everyone in the room to laugh except for her.

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