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Ok so you want to know my deep inside,
But it's something i prefer to hide,
I'll try to tell you what i can tell,
What I've been hiding in my shell,

Stupidest thing I've ever done?
Nothing i do isn't stupid, none,
How many times, in love, I've been?
One time, and it prickled like a pin,

What scares me as shit?
To lose a friend, even for a bit,
What do i prefer a lover or a friend?
The 2nd choice, because friendships never end,

I prefer movies and books,
They don't judge me by the looks,
I run quickly in the dark,
Ready, set, mark,

I've never told anyone about how i feel,
Because people's personalities aren't real,
They would sell me in a blink,
And in my tears I'd sink,

I don't usually cry,
I'm barely strong but I try,
My favorite colors are black and pink,
If my mom left me, my heart would sink.

AN/ thanks everyone, u support me:)

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