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When you start wearing a mask, that seems to fit you perfectly, you wanna show everyone how good it looks on you.
As the days passes, you keep it on your face all the time, you become the master at pretending to be something you're not.
People will know you for that fake version of yourself you've created, forever.
It will, eventually, start to melt into your skin, as your true self mutates into this permanent camouflage.
You want to go back, you really do.
You wish to take it off and show your true self to at least one person.
But you can't, you know it's too late to turn back..
you can't change,
you're nothing without that disguise.
When i found myself in hell,
i was just confused and didn't know where the fuck i was or anything.
There were loud screams in pain and laments all around me, dead bodies everywhere and...

There i met him.

He was the first person i talked to, he came up to me and told me i was gorgeous, later then figured i was new in hell, offered me to stay with him and his coworkers and..fuck- i accepted.

My first mistake was to trust that psychopath.

He gave me a place to sleep, took me out on dates and spoiled me.
He would compliment me every minute, even tho i hated my spider-like ass form.
We started goin' out,
he would buy me flowers, tell me i looked beautiful, and he just seemed so experienced to me, as i still didn't know anyone other than him and his coworkers down there.

I grew up in italy in the 40's by an homopobic household, never had a relationship with a boy because of that, the only person i was out to was my sister, Molly. She must be in Heaven, was such a sweetie.

So yeah, anyways, one day he told me that it woulda been a good idea to work togheda', i knew that he made adult films and i was unconvinced cause at the time i didn't even know how to properly kiss someone.
However, he was so reassuring, telling me that he wanted to show off my beauty to all of hell and that he could make me a star.

He handed me a gold paper and a pen, his name written on it already.

«Sign this contract, and we'll be togheter forever, Anthony.»

He spoke with his lower tone of voice, smiling warmly at me, making me blush a little.

As the pen was in my hand, i looked at the paper, then back at him, not really sure if that was the right thing to do.

«Come on baby, its just a formal thing to show people you are an official employee!»

he smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder.

«don't you trust me?»

he said, dropping his fake smile, i could sense him lose his patience.

«Nono, Val, i'll sign it, promise»

My pen finally touching the paper, unsure if actually writing my name on it.
no one was there to warn me
My hand quickly moved my pen, not thinking about it, forming my name, "Anthony" with a little heart on the left.
No one was there to save me
From that day, i had become Angel Dust,
known as the pornostar, a whore.

I wasn't the only one who changed, Val did too; he wasnt the guy i met when i fell down there, maybe he never was, it was all just another mask to trick me into trusting him.

I regretted that choice everyday, as being the "most famous pornstar in the pentagram" wasnt as fun as it was at the start, it was just torture everyday.
Waking up at 9 am, having to mentally and physically prepare to fuck 20 guys, not even half awake.

As i entered the studio, that usual red smoke of Val spread into my nostrils, leaving me dizzy, as i looked at the moth evil grin i knew so well.

everyday i hoped was the last, but instead,
It repeated over and over again.

Author's note

Sorry for eventual mistakes, english is not my first language, italian is, so feel free to correct me anytime!

Anyways, first chapter, what are we thinking?
The next one will be about Husk, its gonna be a little slow before the actual part where they meet, but have patience, i will try to make this as good as possible!🫶🏻

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