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«You think you can handle it?»

I stared at the short, grumpy girl in front of me, with a confused expression.

She had just spat out a bunch of words, of which i hadn't understood a single one, since i had just woken up.

«wai' wha?»

I asked, yawning.

It was fucking 8 am, and Vaggie decided to knock on my door to tell me some long ass shit, how was i supposed to understand anything she was saying?

She angrily growled, then took a deep breath to calm herself and explained everything again.

«Me, Charlie and Al are going out to get some new guests for this place.»

She started, talking slowly.

I still stared at her with the most confused expression, as i didn't understand what the fuck that had to do with me.

«Ye, and? goodluck i guess.»

I said, grabbing the handle of the door, ready to close it.


She opened it and continued, visibly pissed off.

«You'll be alone with Husk and Nifty..»

She said, before adding one last thing.

«make sure she doesn't burn this place down while we're gone.»

She whispered, worried about the lil' maid girl.

«Can you do that?»

She finally asked, looking at me with the most exhausted expression.

«Yeah, yeah whatever.»

I said, quickly closing the door of my chamber in her face.

I wasn't gonna fucking babysit that roaches-obsessed girl, no way.

I walked to my closet to get dressed, as i wasn't even tired anymore.

I suddenly remembered i was gonna be alone with Husk and smirked to myself, deciding to stay in my pajamas, which consisted in short pink boxes and a oversized t-shirt that showed one of my shoulder.

Last night i told him too much.
After he took care of my back, we went back to the bar and..i just felt like i opened up too much about my situation with my boss and all that shit.
I shouldn't have done that, it was fucking pathetic.
Maybe he was drunk and he just forgot it, yeah..why would he have helped me out with my bruises if not?
I'll just act like the talk we had last night never happened, i don't want him thinking that i'm a fucking loser.
I don't even know why i care about his opinion that much, or why i told him all that shit yesterday, fuck i...i hope he doesn't remember any of that.

I left my room with Fat Nuggets and walked downstairs, by the silence i could tell that they had already left.
It was always a strange sensation for me to wake up and hear the sound of talks, laughs and not screams or shots.
I guess it was kinda nice..
ugh, this place was driving me crazy, really.
After stopping Nifty from drinking literal  BLEACH, i picked her up and sat her on the couch, turned the tv on and chose a random channel.

«watch this, i'll be in the kitchen, DONT drink bleach, ok?»

I told her, giving her an head pat, as she nodded and smiled.

I walked to the kitchen, where a certain barcat was sitting and having breakfast.
He looked so calm and stunning, i couldn't explain the sudden sensation i felt in my stomach.
As i entered the kitchen, i was gonna start the talk by saying something flirty, but after looking at's like i was too amused to speak.

Heal Eachother {Huskerdust Story, Slow Burn}Where stories live. Discover now