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Everything was blurry,
i could only see a red figure in front of me.
i felt my hands and neck being tied by a phosphorescent pink chain.
The figure was getting closer, i felt like i was out of breath as an hand held my chin tightly.

«You really think you can escape from this?»

His voice echoing in the room,
I could now, see his wild smile, two inches away from my face.

«You think a slut like you, deserves a second chance?»

He screamed, as he was holding my neck, making me unable to breath.
Tears begun running down my eyes.

«you are nothing without me, Anthony»

His words being like knives in my back, my vision slowly going blurry again, i didn't felt like trying to move at all, my brain simply stopped working, as i was out of breath.

Everything stopped for a moment, my thoughts taking over me while my mind was detaching from everything that was going on.

I could only see his smile, how could he smile while i was dying in front of him?

Oh, that smile, the one that had tricked me from the begginning..
I really hated it because it made me realise how he was faking his caring persona all that time.

I didn't hate him, that was the problem.
I could curse him all i wanted, could wish him the worst things,

but i still felt like i needed him.

My thoughts were snapped away by the smell of that recognizable red smoke who had been blown in my face.

Everything was getting darker and darker each second.

As my mind was disconnecting and my eyes slowly closing, he was right in front of me, smiling at my suffering.

«see you soon, baby.»
«What the fuck-»

I opened my eyes suddenly, rapidly looking around myself.

I was in my room..
i felt a bit of relief, knowing that it was the one that Charlie had assigned me at the hotel, (not that she had any chambers occupied).
The other night i had gone to the vee's, to take all my stuff from there.
Let's just say, Valentino was there and he was mad as fuck, it was also a work day, so he made sure to make me pay for it real well.

I took a deep breath, running an hand throught my hair.
I felt something jump on my leg,

«hey Nuggs, howd'ya sleep, baby?»

By the happy "oink" he made, i think he said well.
I put an hand on his little head, petting him,
«Happy to hear one of us did, Nuggs»,

I chuckled, getting out of bed.
As i was going downstairs, i could already hear "miss fearless leader" screaming at the top of her lungs in excitment.
I walked past her, noticing she was talking to someone.
I took a small peek at them, checking out the cat-looking demon in front of her, standing there with a bottle of cheap booze in his hands.
What was that? a bar? yesterday it wasnt even there, but man, i was up for it, fucking finally.

I found myself glazing at the kitty again, who looked stunningly attractive, honestly,
before i bumped into someone.

«Hello there, my effemminate fellow!»

Heal Eachother {Huskerdust Story, Slow Burn}Where stories live. Discover now