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That evening, i was just getting in a quick turf war with cher as usual, we were shitting ourselves with laughters, watching our opponents struggle as Cherry threw bombs at them in a direction, and i quickly shot in the other while we were hiding behind a wall.

We decided to cut the shit and got out of our hiding spot, as i began to shot at them with four of my set of arms, and cher continued to throw bombs at them.
We killed most of em, some ran away but whateva'.

«That was some fun shit, Angie!»

She said putting her hands on my shoulders, bringing me closer in excitment.
Screams were heard from not really far,

«we should totally do this shit every night!»

I've knew Cherry from like some days after i started working with Val, which was a few years ago, i dont even remember ta shit anymore.
But she had always been there for me when he was being shitty, (like, literally always) and i was just grateful for that bitch, i swear.

«Sure thing, sugar tits!»

I told her, messing her hair up with my hand as she chuckled.

«Well, i think i'ma just get a quick cash grab before going back to the studio, Val's gonna kill me if i return back late anyways»

I said, knowing i technically couldn't give my services to randos on the streets.

«whatever you say bitchhh, but if ya need me, ya know where to find me, ye?»

She said, smiling and blinking at me, i Simply blew her a kiss and quickly walked to a bar.

Honestly, i was sure any men on the pride ring woulda wanna fuck me, so it was always a pretty simple job when i needed a quick cash, tought, the bar was nearly fuckin' empty.

I sighed as i sat myself at the bar stool, ordering some whiskey, then lookin' around the place, there were only passed out demons on the couch and-

I snapped out my thoughts as i felt someone gently tapping on my shoulder, i quickly turned their way, grinning.

«Hi! my n-»

the blonde girl started, but i cut her off immediately

«heya now, for ladies i charge extra.»

I said lookin' at her, pretty annoyed.

«we're not here for any of that, we want to have a word with you.»

immediately said the girl next to the blondie, Rolling her eyes.

«listen, toots, you wanna waiste ma time, ya gotta pay»

I told em', da fuck they wanted from me anyways?

«of course, we can do that! just, could you come out so we can explain to you better?»

said the blonde girl again,

«sure, dollface»

I answered, following them out.

«okay so, my name is Charlie, her name is Vaggie!»

said the blonde girl, all excited, then pointing to the other girl, who was lookin' grumpy and had her arms crossed.
The Blondie, who apparently was Lucifer's daughter, wanted me to be the first guest in her little hotel, which i didn't understand at all.
They said it was made to prove sinners could change, to get them in Heaven basically.

She really tought those demons could get up there? pfft.
I tought that was stupid as fuck, tought,
as i said so, that girl named like vagina, deared to say i wasn't a good candidate, so obviously, i said i was in.
After all, i can crash there rent-free, not havin' to do anythin' all day, why not?


the dollface started jumpin' around in excitment, as the other looked at her with a small smile on her face.
these bitches are fuckin' crazy.

Anyways, they let me into their car and drove me to that hotel of their.

«is there any booze in there?»

I asked, lying down on the car seats, the white haired girl looking at me with a dead stare, then simply said "no." to me.

As i was scrolling through my phone, i started getting messages from Valentino, asking me where i was and why wasnt i already in the studio, telling me he was worried, then threatening me.

I wasn't going anywhere, i knew that..i was under that fucking contract, so i still needed to see his fuckin' face everyday.
And also, probably go get my clothes and stuff.

My thoughts were snapped away by the car violently stopping.
«oops, sorry!» said the princess, getting out of it.
As i got out of the car, i immediately looked up at the place, who in fact was very huge and noticed the broken flashing lights on that big sign that read "HAZBIN HOTEL".


I didn't think he'd actually call...
Not for some bullshit like this.

That evening, i was just gambling at a bar as i usually did, but just when i was about to fuckin' win the whole thing, the door of the place creaked, and everyone turned their gaze to the entrance of the bar.

As i also turned to the door's direction, i saw him standing there still, looking at me directly, i understood that he wanted to speak with me.

«oh for fuck's sake.»

i muttered,
rolling my eyes as i got up from the table,
getting out of the bar as Al followed me.
«Oh, Husker! come on, don't be grumpy like that.»

he said, with his hands behind his back.
Did he seriously just asked me to work in the hotel of the princess as a favour?

«No, no Alastor i aint doin' that shit.»

«Husker, it's just a simple favour, what's a favour between friends?»

he said, tilting his head and smiling wildly.

«Listen here, you might own my soul but this is too much i aint yo fuckin'-»

before i could finish, i felt like i couldn't breath, a green chain appeared on my neck.

«Stop that attitude with me, i think i already told you that many times, didn't i?»

he said, wrapping the chain around his staff, as he pulled me closer.

«you BEST know your place, my friend, i really wouldn't want to broadcast your screams next.»

He said, adding an «understood?» after.

«yes, understood.»

i said, as i had nearly no air left and felt like my neck was burning.
Quickly, the green chain dissapeared,

«Lovely. So let's get to work, my friend!»


Heal Eachother {Huskerdust Story, Slow Burn}Where stories live. Discover now