dancing togheter

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Two weeks had passed since me and Husk had made that "deal", and well, i think we were both doin' a pretty good job: i can't remember how long it passed since i snorted a line of coke, and i havent seen the kitten downin' a bottle of whiskey for quite a while now.

We talked nearly everyday, mostly at night, when i would come back to the hotel after ma' shift.
Tho, we still didn't know eachother well.
There was something about him that i couldn't understand, it was killing me; i would flirt literally every second with him, and he would always roll his eyes at me and act all grumpy and annoyed.
What was his deal?
I usually would come from the studio injured badly or pissed or just sad, and he always helped me out, even by just making small talks, like he tried to cheer me up in some ways...it was sweet.
But why? nobody had ever done that for me without asking for anything back...like having sex with me or that kinda' shit.

I didn't understand that dude, i swear..

until that night.

«Fuck that psychopath, fucking asshole-»
I murmured, as my eyes were slowly watering.
I tried to fit the spare keys that Charlie had gave me some months ago into the hotel's door lock, failing many times due to the fact that i was angry and stressed in the moment.
I finally opened the door, rushing in the hotel.
I walked to the bar, looking down with my arms crossed.
I sat down at the stool, not facing the demon cat that i knew was waitin' for me that night, hoping he wouldnt make any comment on my mood.

«That rough?»

He simply asked me, in a concerned tone.
As he said so, i immediately felt weak, like he was just asking me that for pity, he felt sorry for me, thats why.
I quickly fixed myself and put on a confident expression on my face, crossing my legs and smirking.

«Nah, just a long shoot»

«Yeah, sure.»

he said, with some sort of angry expression i couldn't quite understand.
Was he mad at me for saying that?  had i fucked up once again?
He started making me a drink, and the room went silent for a while.
I looked down, feeling ashamed of myself and placing my head on the counter.

Husk put in front of me the drink i usually asked for, a Strawberry Daiquiri.

«Ya don't gotta use that act around me, come on, i'm all hears.»

His expression softened as he looked at me, i sighed.
I always asked myself how did he know exactly when i was faking and when not, even when i didn't know myself.

«Today was shitty.»

I complained, brushing an hand throught my hair.


When he'd say that, i'd usually start to rant about my boss and other shit, not that night, tho.

«i hate ma' fuckin' job.»

Was the only thing that came out my mouth.
I don't even know why i told him that, it just slipped.
To my surprise, he let out a small laugh.

«You've got company, legs.»

«Ya' don't like being a bartender at this place, Husky?»

I asked him, raising an eyebrow and slightly smiling.

«If that asshole wasn't forcing me to do this shit, i wouldn't, trust me.»

He answered, while cleaning some glasses.
I lowered my gaze.
The silence took over the room again, before being interrupted by Husk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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