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Myles opens his eyes and walks up to (N). "(N). Why're you here? Did you leave something inside?" "Huh? Oh no. I just needed to get some air. What was that just now?" Myles blushes and plays with his fingers. "I like to come outside and pretend I'm in a drama." "Drama huh? You should start the drama club." The black teen looks at (N) nervously. "Oh, I...don't know about that." "Don't worry. I'll help you." "O-Okay!"
'And. There.' (N) takes a small step back and glances over the hanging poster. "Drama club. I thought you hated clubs? I get sports but drama really. Lame." (N) clenches his fist and glares at (F/n). "It's not lame and I'm helping someone out." "Hmm right. Tell me later yeah?" (F/n) pats (N)'s shoulder and walks away. "You hate clubs?"

(N) flinches and looks at Myles. "Uh no! No, it's not that I hate them...I just don't participate in them anymore." "You were in a club?" "Yeah. Basketball. But that was in middle school. It's been a while since I've played." Myles lightly touches the poster and smiles. "Then let's play basketball after school today. I'm not good at shooting but I can dribble." "You really don't have to."

Myles shakes his head and plays with his fingers. "I want to. Especially since you're helping me with drama club. I'll wait for you in the courtyard."
"(N). (N). (N)! Hey! Are you listening to me?!" (F/n) yells as (N) lifts his head off the table. "Obviously not." "Argh! You're so mean! What kind of friend are you?!" (N) sighs and crosses his arms. "You're right sorry. Please continue." "Right. I was thinking about asking Hannah out." Silence fills the room as raindrops thump against the window. "Hannah the vice president? No. Not her. Ask someone else."

(F/n) glares at (N) and slams his fist on the table. "What the hell man?! You're supposed to be supporting me! You! You want her all to yourself don't you?!" (N) stares at his friend blankly and looks out the window. "She has a girlfriend. Rose." "What?! They're dating?! Holy shit man. I think this is it for me. I'm going to be single forever." "Yup." "Don't agree with me!" (N) focuses on the rain and drowns out (F/n)'s cries.

'I'll wait for you in the courtyard.' (N) runs a hand through his hair and sighs. 'There's no way he's there. It's raining...unless.' The teen stands up abruptly and grabs his bag and his umbrella. He runs out of the room leaving behind a confused (F/n). "You're not even gonna say goodbye?!" "Bye!"
'Please don't be here. Please don't be here.' (N)'s eyes widen as he finds Myles standing in the rain holding a basketball. He runs up to the drenched male and holds the umbrella up. "Myles! It's raining! Why're you still here?!" The black male looks up and smiles. "You came." "Idiot. You should've gone home!" "But if I went home you would be here alone. Here."

Myles steps out from under the umbrella and bounces the ball. He passes it to (N) causing the male to drop the umbrella. (N) catches the ball and stares at it. He dribbles the ball and raises his hands to shoot. Myles smiles but stops as the ball falls to the ground. (N)'s arms fall by his side. "I can't raise my right arm." "What?" "Back in middle school, my parents got divorced. My dad didn't take it very well and started drinking...we got into a bad fight and my shoulder got injured."

Myles takes a step back and (N) looks into the dreary sky. "No doctor can fix this. I can't play basketball. Ever again." "I. I'm so sorry (N). Because of me you-" "Don't be. You didn't know." Myles raises a hand to his forehead and sways a bit. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" The teen falls onto the ground and (N) rushes over. He picks the male up and yells. "Myles? Myles?!"
The door chimes and a cheerful voice calls out. "Welcome...oh it's you. Just so you know you're not getting any free pastries this time." (N) shakes his head at the bleached-haired woman. "I'm not here to buy anything." "Then get out. As you can see we're busy." (N) looks around the empty bakery and walks up to Ash. "How's Myles? He didn't come to school today." "(N)? How nice of you to come by."

(N) and Ash turns to see Clara walking downstairs. "And to answer your question. Myles just has a little fever." The black woman sighs and looks at the stairs. "Myles always falls ill from time to time. My late sister had the same illness. Myles missed school a lot last year." Ash picks up a bag and looks at (N). "Thank you for bringing him home." "You don't have to thank me. It was my fault he was out there anyway."

Ash shoves the bag into (N)'s chest and grins. "Here. Free pastries from Clara." The woman smiles and (N) grabs the bag. "You really don't have to." Ash chuckles. "It's better to give them to you than let them sit out all day. No one's going to buy these cold hard rocks ahh!" Ash turns her head to see Clara tearing up. "Cold hard rocks? No wonder no one buys them!" Clara screams while running out of the shop. Ash grabs a pastry and bites into it while chasing her. "I love your pastries, baby!"

(N) sweatdrops and stares at the bag. 'I'll just give this to (F/n).' With one last glance at the stairs (N) exits the bakery.
(N) and (F/n) walk through the school but stop as a girl with silver hair stands in front of them. She glares and points a finger at (F/n). "You! How dare you harass my little sister!" (N) turns to (F/n) and shakes his head while crossing his arms. "Unbelievable (F/n). You can't harass a girl into dating you." "What?! I did no such thing! She's lying! Why're you dragging my name into the dirt?!"

The girl clenches her fist as a dark aura surrounds her. "Not only did you harass her but you chased her down and forced her to reveal her underwear to you." (N)'s face morphs into a scowl and he takes a step back. "I didn't do any- wait. Are you talking about the girl with the puppy underwear?" "So you admit it?!" Before (F/n) could say anything else the girl ran at him, sweeps outside his leg, and throws him over her shoulder.

'Judo?!' (N) watches in awe as the girl raises her hand and chops the back of (F/n)'s neck. The male immediately goes limp on the floor as the girl stands up and walks away. (N) whistles as he steps over his friend's body and looks out the window. (N)'s eyes widen and he races to the courtyard. "Myles. You're back." The black male stands up and nods. "Yes. Um, I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean to."

(N) shakes his head and smiles. "I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for not showing up earlier." Myles plays with his fingers and shyly smiles. "We're still friends right?" "Of course. Don't be silly. Hey. What's wrong?" Myles wipes his tears away and laughs. "I'm sorry I'm just so relieved." Ringing echoes through the courtyard as (N) smiles softly. "Come on. Dry those tears. You don't wanna go back to class like that now." "Mhm."
"(F/n). (F/n) wake up. Yuki put you in a coma." (F/n) slowly opens his eyes and looks at (N). "Yuki? Wait coma? H-How long was I asleep?" "For 1,000 years." (F/n) gasps and looks around. "B-But everything looks the same!" "This is actually a simulation. Your body's currently hooked up to a machine. Don't freak out too much or you'll die from shock." "Oh my god! I've been in a simulation for 1,000 years?!"

(N) kicks (F/n)'s legs causing the male to flinch. "Ouch! Even the pain feels real!" "There is no simulation now get up or I'll leave without you." "Huh?! (N) you jerk! How do you lie like that without laughing?!" (N) stops at the door and tilts his head. "Guess I'm a psychopath." "That's nothing to be proud of!"

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