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"Alright! Who's ready for Ash's super hot event of the summer?!" Myles and Clara cheer as Ash continues. "Thank you! Thank you! Three options. Barbecue at the beach! Beauty rest at the beach! Or Brandon Birdwhistle at the beach!" Myles tilts his head to the side. "They're all such good choices." (N) sweatdrops and sips his drink. "One of those doesn't belong."

"You don't want to play with Brandon Birdwhistle?!" "Is that even a real person?" Ash drops to the floor and cries dramatically. "You can have Brandon Birdwhistle! I just want to play with Myles! I've been so lonely without him!" Clara laughs and turns to (N). "Don't mind her. She's just having a hard time letting Myles go after all these years." "Ha, I see. Guess I have to share."
"Your aunts are still as lively as ever!" (N) laughs as Myles trails behind him. Suddenly the black male grabs his arm. "What's wrong?" "I know I brought this up before but did you ever talk to your dad?" "...Myles. I work almost every day by the time I get home I'm tired. Plus I wanna spend my time off with you. I don't wanna do anything unpleasant."

(N) avoids eye contact as Myles gently holds his hand. "I understand that you can't do it right away but one day let's go talk to him together." "Yeah. One day we'll go together."
"I know this is sudden but an old colleague of mine has become a contracting company. He's looking for someone young to supervise construction sites for him." The boss says smiling at (N). "Wait. Me? Why not someone more experienced like Takashi?" Takashi shakes his head and crosses his arms. "You're younger and have more potential." "Take all the time you need but it is a good offer to consider. The pay is good too." (N) nods at the men.
"I see. Well whatever you decide I'll support you." (N) glances at Myles as the male chopped up vegetables. "Alright. Looks like I'm taking the job." "Great. Looks like all your hard work paid off!" (N) smiles softly while stirring the pot. "Yup."
"Give me your best pitch kid!" Ash yells as she reads her bat. Under a tree on a blanket say a bunch of housewives, (N), Myles, and Clara."I'm surprised you're not playing (N)." "I don't blame him. I'd rather spend my time with my boyfriend!" The young couple blush. "You've grown up to be so gorgeous Myles!" "Oh thank you, ma'am."
"Man it's been a while since I've gone to the beach." (N) says walking beside Myles. "You know. Your kindness has been shining through lately. I know you were just talking with the housewives but your smile seemed sincere." (N) chuckles and gently holds Myles's hand. "It's ironic. I used to think being nice was a hassle yet I always put myself in other people's problems." Myles swings their hands as they walk.

"Is being nice a hassle now?" "No. Not anymore." The two reach (N)'s apartment and Myles collects his things as (N) waits by the door. Suddenly the home phone rings and Myles runs to it. "(L/n) resident. Mhm. Yes he's here. (N)! It's your boss!" (N) walks over and takes the phone. "Hello? Yes sir. Huh. Yes, what's his number?" Myles quickly passes (N) a notepad pad and the male writes down a number. "Thank you for calling sir."

"Is everything alright?" "I'm not sure. Someone from my dad's old job is trying to contact me." (N) types in the number and the line rings before a voice answers. "Hello. Ah, Mr. Evan yes I've been good...huh? He what?!" Myles looked at (N) with concern as he tightly gripped the phone.
"I'm sorry (N). The construction company's withdrawn their offer. This is a small town and rumors spread fast. Of course, you're always welcome to work here." "Thank you...sir."
(N) and Myles sits on the swing set at the park. "Myles?" "Yes?" "Why don't we leave this town? Just you and me. My father's like some kind of curse. He ruins everything for me. I wanna start over somewhere. Far away from him." Myles turns to (N) as the male stares at the ground. "You can't do that. That'll be running away. I'll go anywhere with you but when we leave we have to leave without any regrets. This is our town. Where we were born. It's not something we can just throw away."

"Even if nothing good happens here?" "Hmm. A lot of good things happened here. Meeting you is the best thing in my life." The two sit in silence for a moment before (N) turns to Myles. "Tomorrow...we'll go see my dad."
(N) and Myles sits in the jail visitation room with (N)'s father on the other side. (N) sighs and stares at the floor. "What the hell do you want from me? You think it's fun to screw up other people's lives. I barely consider you my father but that doesn't matter to anyone else."

(N) glares and clenches his fist. "Come on. Don't you have something to say to the son whose life you destroyed constantly?" The young male looks up to see his father who looks older and frail. The man smiles softly causing (N) to shoot up. "What the hell's wrong with you?!" "(N) stop!" Myles yells standing up. "Tch! Whatever. You can rot in here. I don't care!" (N) storms out of the jail down the street. "(N) wait! Come back!"

Myles calls after (N) as he runs to catch up. (N) clenches his fist and punches the concrete wall. Myles gasps and grabs his hand to reveal bloody knuckles. (N) rips his hand away and sways before reeling his arm back. "(N) stop!" The men struggle with one another until (N) falls against the wall with Myles crying in his chest. (N) slides down the wall and looks into the sky. 'My life is so shitty but with you, it isn't.'

"Myles...will you marry me?" "Yes." Myles pulls away to look at (N) as (e/c) eyes widen. "Even if I'm like this?" "Yes. Let's stay together. Forever." Tears roll down (N)'s face as he hugs Myles. "Let's stay together forever and ever!"
"Oh dear. I'm sorry (N). Ash left a while ago." "That sucks. I really needed to talk to her." Clara smiles softly at (N). "I'm sorry to hear about your dad." "Thank you." (N) sighs looking down at his bandaged hand. "It's not fair. Special job offers like that are rare." "If your life can change once it can change again for the better. And no matter how hard life gets I know Myles will follow you." (N) smiles. "That's what he told me." "If he said that he'll stay with you. He means it."

"Sorry to keep you two waiting." Myles walks in with a tray of tea. "Oh! I have just the thing that'll pair well with the tea!" Clara jumps up as Myles sits down. "Oh. My cute muffin's here to visit?" Myles sets his tea down and laughs. "Aunt Ash I still live here." Ash turns to (N) confused. "What are you doing here?" "I called you remember? I said I had something important to ask you." The bleached-haired woman scratched her head.

"For sweets? Sorry just because you're dating my nephew doesn't mean you get a discount." (N) raises an eyebrow. "I'm not here for sweets." "Tch! No discount either! I ought to charge you triple! Except for Clara's sweets. You can have those for free." "Aunt Clara's behind you," Myles says softly as Clara places the tray of sweets down. "Is my baking so awful you won't even price it?!" "She doesn't mean it!" Myles chases after his aunt as Ash prepares to follow.

(N) quickly stands up with a serious look. "Old lady I need to talk to you! It's important!" Ash freezes and stares (N) down. "I see. I won't fall so easily. You wanna talk? You'll have to beat me."
Ash smirks as she tosses her baseball up and down. (N) grips his bat and narrows his eyes. "Why did I agree to this?" "Now listen up! You have to hit this. It doesn't have to be a home run." "Then you'll listen to what I have to say?" "Yes." (N) glares at the woman. "That's not good enough! You have to agree to what I say no matter what!" "Deal! Only if you score a solid hit. But if I win I don't wanna hear a damn thing." "Deal!"

Ash grins and reels her arm back. "Here we go kid!" (N) swings and misses. He groans and fixes his posture as Ash picks up another ball. Swing. Miss. Swing. Miss. (N) falls to his knees in defeat as Ash laughs. "Ha! Let me know when you want to lose again!" Myles runs over with Clara. "I'm sorry. This is too important to bet on a stupid game." "Don't give up yet! Stand up and keep fighting! For Myle's sake." Clara holds her hand out with a smile and (N) takes it.
Takashi eats his lunch as (N) stands on the side practicing his swings. "What's this all about?" "I've been challenged to a duel to decide my future!" Takashi hums as the young male continues swinging.
"Tch. Stubborn kid. You better keep your eyes open!" "Just pitch!" Ash reels her arm back and (N) misses. Swing. Miss. Swing. Miss. (N) groans at the ground as Ash laughs. "Bahaha! Better luck next time!"

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