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The front door of the bakery opens. "We're home." Clara smiles as she sees (N) and River holding hands. "Welcome back! Did you enjoy your trip?" "Uh huh!" "I had a good time but I'm still waiting on our date." Clara tilts her head to the side as (N) smiles. "It's not right to promise a date and then not show up." "Watch it punk that's my wife." River cheers as Ash enters the bakery. "Ash!" (N) crouches in front of River. "You'll be coming with us too right?" "Yup!" Clara claps her hands. "Then it's settled. The three of us will have so much fun." Ash gasps and clutches her chest. "Wait! I wanna come to!"
(N) stands in Myles's room with a somber expression. He picks up one of the dango plushies and hugs it. 'Myles.' "It's still the same huh?" (N) turns to see Clara walking in. "We haven't touched it since you two got married and he moved out. You can take those with you. River loves them." (N) sets the plushie down and looks at Clara. "Thank you and I'm sorry." "For what?" "For forcing River onto you. But this vacation you set up has taught me a lot about being a father."

"There's no need to be sorry." "You raised River to be a good girl. I just hope I can teach her to be strong and kind like her papa." Clara smiles. "I know you can do it." "I promise I'll repay your kindness." "All that matters is that you're happy." (N) bites his lips and bows his head. "Thank you. I'll work hard to make sure River is happy." "Good." River runs into the room and hugs (N)'s leg. "Hey, Daddy!" "Hey, River. What's up?"

The little girl grins at (N). "Ash wants to play baseball with you." "Ha. So she does huh?"
Clara and River sit on a blanket as Ash stares (N) down. "Welcome back to the land of the living kid." "Just pitch the ball old lady." "River watch closely! I'll show you how much your daddy sucks!" "Don't tell her that!" Clara laughs and turns to River. "Who do you think is going to win?" "Ash!" The bleached-haired woman laughs triumphantly as (N) groans. "That's right! She's been watching me pitch her whole life!"

(N) grips his bat tighter and yells. "Then I'll show her a home run!" "We'll see about that. Here goes!" Ash reels her arm back and (N) swings. The ball flies into the air. Ash smirks as (N) turns to his daughter. "The kid still got it." "You see that River?!" River grins and bounces in place as the sound of a broken window echoes in the park. Clara smiles as (N) sweats. "I'm sure an apology will fix everything."

After dinner (N) wakes up in the guest room. He glances at a sleeping River and walks downstairs. He pours himself a glass of water and yawns. (N) moves to walk back upstairs but stops as he hears Ash and Clara in the living room. "You haven't cried since that day," Ash says softly, and Clara hums. "I couldn't cry. I had an important job to do. I had to raise River in a way that would make Myles proud." "Five years. That little girl really helped us." "That she did."

Silence fills the living room for a moment before Ash speaks softly. "You can let it out now Clara it's alright. You worked hard all these years." "It was nothing. We're a family after all." "You did good...it's your turn to cry now." Quiet sobs fill the living room as (N) stares at the floor.
"Go get'em River!" Ash yells as River pumps her fist in the air. "Yeah!" Clara smiles softly. "It's just you and Daddy now. Be a good girl for him." "Okay." (N) throws his bag over his shoulder. "Can you guys pick River up if I get held up at work?" "Leave it to me!" "Of course (N). Did you think about the other thing?" The young man nods and gently holds River's hand. "Don't worry Clara. I'll go visit him."
"I'm glad you could finally make it Mr (L/n). I heard about your situation from Clara." The older woman smiles at (N). "Thank you ma'am." (N) looks down at River. "Daddy's going to work now." "Okay. Have a good day at work."
"So you two are finally living together? It's gonna be tough." Takashi says while digging through a box. "It can't be that bad. She's not a baby anymore but even if things get hard I'll hang in there." (N) smiles and places a box down. "Alright. But if you run into any problems let me know. I'm sure the company will help out." "Thank you."
"Daddy!" River runs to (N) and hugs his legs. "Hey, River." The older woman walks over to the two. "Rivers teacher is currently out of town but she'll be back next week." "Sounds good." (N) and River walks home. "So what's your teacher like?" "She's really pretty and nice!" "Okay then." The two enter the apartment and (N) crouches in front of River. "Daddy has to go back to work now. Don't open the door for strangers." "Okay." "If anything happens you can call Clara. You remember the number to the bakery?" "Yes."

(N) stands up and smiles. "Good. I'm off now." "Bye, Daddy! Have a good time at work!" Once the door shut River quickly ran around the small apartment. She opens every door and looks around every corner. Later that day the doorbell rings and River stops drawing. "It's daddy! Come open the door! My hands are full!" River runs over, opens the door, and gasps. (N)'s arms are full of bags and he juggles the stuffed plushies on top. He walks inside and sets the stuff on the floor.

"There. I went by the bakery and got all your clothes and toys. I even got the big dango family." River smiles and bounces in place as (N) pulls out a picture. The picture displayed Myles smiling while holding up a peace sign. A soft smile graces his lips as he hands the picture to River. "Where are you going to put this?" River looks around the living room and runs over to a bookshelf. (N) chuckles and walks over. He grabs the picture and sets it on the bookshelf.
"Daddy can you cook?" (N) chuckles as River swings their hands. "Not really but I'm learning. You'll help me out right?" "Yup!" The two continue walking when a voice calls out. (N) leads River over to the park where Hailey smiles. "It's been a while (N). Oh. And whose is this?" River stares at the woman as (N) smiles. "This is River. Go on. Say hi." "Hi, pretty lady." Hailey smiles at the girl. "Hello. I'm Hailey Gray....she looks just like her father. I'm sure she'll grow up just to be as cute as him and have lots of friends."

(N) grins. "I hope so. Oh, that's right. I heard from Takashi that your sister woke up from her coma." "She sure did. We always knew she would. I'm actually here with her today. Ellie!" Hailey yells and a short girl runs over. She stares intently at (N) causing the male to scratch his head. Hailey pokes the girl's side. "Ellie. This is (N) and River."  "Hello." "Uh hey." "Hi." Ellie's eyes widen as she squeals and squirms in place. She turns to (N) with a blush. "She's so cute! Can I please hug her?!"

Before (N) could answer Ellie hugged River tightly. "Yea sure...go right ahead." Hailey laughs. "I'm sorry about her. She can't help herself after all was asleep for a long time. She's the same age as you but still has the mentality of a freshman." "Freshmen? More like a middle schooler." Ellie glares at the two and pulls River closer. "Stop picking on me! I can be mature! I'll take River and raise her as my little sister!"

Ellie struggles to pick River up as Hailey and (N) laugh. "Come on Ellie. Leave River alone. You can't take her away from (N)." "But she's so cute! And he's so eh." "I'm standing right here."
(N) rubs River's mouth with a napkin as she eats. "Did you have fun today?" "Mhm!" "That Ellie girl is weird but it's nice to have a new friend right?" River nods as (N) smiles. "I have tomorrow off and wanna take us somewhere." "A trip?" "Not really. There's someone I need to see." Later that night River cuddles in bed with a dango plushie. (N) tucks a strand of brown hair inside her bonnet. "You really like dangos?" "Yup! Clara told me it smells like papa."

"Oh." River sniffs the plushie and closes her eyes. "It smells really good." (N) smiles, turns off the table light, and closes his eyes.

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