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'The arcade?' "Woah!" (N) finds himself and Yuna being pushed into a booth by Yuki. "Alright, you two! Let's test your love." Yuna blushes as (N) enters his name. "You seriously believe in horoscopes?" He says to Yuki who nudges Yuna to enter her name. "Oh maybe. Now come on!" She grabs (N) hands and places it on top of Yuna's. "Yu-Yuki!" The older girl winks at her sister and watches the screen.

"I'm sorry (N)!" "It's fine. Look." The three look at the screen to see the friendship bar lit up. A ghost of a smile appears on Yuki's face but quickly falls as she turns to (N). "What the hell (N)?!" "What?!" "You're supposed to pick lover!" "I don't know what you're talking about it's just a game anyway."
The three teenagers walk down the sidewalk as Yuna grabs Yuki's arm. "I had fun today (N). Yuki and I need to go home now see you later." "Oh yea me too. See ya." As the twins wait at the bus stop Yuki frowns at Yuna. "Why'd you do that? I was going to get (N) to walk you here." "I had a feeling about that so I dragged you away...look, Yuki. I'm glad that you want to see me happy but you can't force (N)."

Yuki crosses her arms. "He's an idiot who can't see that you're the perfect partner for him." The younger girl looks at the ground and kicks a pebble. "It's almost like you like him." Yuki's face turns red and she yells. "Me?! Like (N)?! No! No! Never! Come on Yuna don't be ridiculous."
Sapphire stirs a pot as (N) leans into the wall of the kitchen. "You don't have to come here on Sundays." "I chose to." The male let out a sigh. "Have you seen my dad?" "He's at work. Why don't you get along?...sorry. That's none of my business." (N) scratches his head and gets off the wall. "How's the student council campaign going?" "It's good. Don't worry."

Ding dong

(N) walks to the front door and opens it to reveal the twins. Yuna looked nervous as Yuki grinned while holding a wrapped bento. "Morning (N)! We thought you would like some home-cooked food." "I'm sorry. But my sister insisted." (N) grabs the bento with a smile. "It's fine thanks." "(N)? Who's at the door?" Sapphire stands beside the male as Yuki gasps. "You!"

A whistle draws the group's attention to see Rose and Hannah. "Well look here. (N) you lady killer!" Hannah elbows her girlfriend and smiles. "Don't mind her. We thought you might be lonely while on suspension. We brought snacks."
(N) sits at the table filled with food and snacks. He stares blankly as the females watch him. Hannah whispers to Rose. "I think we should leave." "And miss the show." (N) sends a glare to the redhead and gulps. "Thank you for uh...all the food but I can't eat all of this." Yuki turns to him with a forced smile. "Yuna and I got up at 5 to make all this. You will eat it."

Sapphire looks at the girl. "It's my fault (N) got suspended so it's my responsibility to look after him." Yuki's smile tightens as she speaks. "Excuse me. As his friends, we have the right to care for him." "All I'm saying is this matter doesn't involve you." (N) sweats as the females move closer. "Let's calm down ladies. I can always eat some later."

The two girls glare at him and yell. "Whose are you going to eat first?!" "Uh." Rose covers her mouth as Hannah stares in mild amusement. (N) glances at the amused women and looks at Yuna. "Help me out Yuna." "(N)...I want you to eat my cooking as well!" (N) looks at the food and grips his fork as the women all yell at him. "Please eat my food (N)!" "You better eat before it gets cold!" "Eat mine now!"
"Yo welcome back to hell!" (F/n) greets as (N) groans with his head on his desk. "Not too loud. I ate too much yesterday and my stomach hurts." "That's too damn bad. Sapp needs your help. Rumors of her being a delinquent are spreading and people are changing their votes."
"A match?" A baseball player questions (N) while (F/n) and Sapphire watch. "Yeah. You guys versus us. If we lose We'll pick up your balls or wash your uniforms. Whatever you want." The baseball player hums. "I'll go see what the team wants." Sapphire moves closer to (N) as the baseball player runs to his team. "I'm not sure about this (N)." "Don't worry Sapp. Our boy (F/n) is an athletic genius."

(F/n) dramatically flips his hair with a smirk. Sapphire nods as the baseball guy returns. "(N). We've decided that if you guys lose Sapphire has to join the girl's softball team." The blue-haired girl glances at (N) and nods. "Deal."
Sapphire stretches in her gym clothes and looks at the ball in her gloved hand. '3 outs. That's all we need.' The blue-haired girl looks at (F/n) who adjusts his squat as the batter snickers. "Come on girly. Give me your best shot." A glint passes through Sapphire's eyes and she throws the ball. (F/n) shrieks and jumps to the side as the ball smashes into the fence.

A guy from the right field calls out to (F/n). "Hey! You guys alright over there?" "Uh, we're fine! Let's continue." A few more pitches go by and (F/n) screams at Sapphire. "What the hell are you doing?! You're supposed to be throwing strikes!" "What do you think I'm doing?!" (N) walks up to the fuming girl. "Try throwing at his head. Like he's a nasty bug." "Okay."

(F/n) crouches again and smirks. "My 5-year-old cousin can throw better than you!" Sapphire's eyes narrow and she chucks the ball at (F/n)'s face. "Owwww!" The umpire stares for a moment before yelling. "Strike!" The batter sweats as (N) smiles. 'Alright, Sapp.'

Soon the game ends and the news spreads among the students. Sapphire participates in every school club causing students to support her. "Thanks to you my image has been restored." "I'm glad I could help. The drama club needs a righteous president like you."
(N) stares in surprise as the twins, Rose and Hannah surround Myles. "Myles your back!" "Welcome back." "I'm glad you're feeling better." "I'm sorry I made you all worry." The male has a brief conversation with the girls. He rushes over to (N). The teen blushes at the intense eye contact and looks away as (F/n) snickers. "I'm sorry (N). I heard about how you let yourself get suspended for Sapphire so she could win the election. How can I repay you?"

(N) clears his throat as his blush fades. "It's fine. I did this for you and the drama club." Rose chuckles and crosses her arms. "Sounds like you want us to do something for you." "No! And you just joined." (N) looks back at Myles and scratches his head. "Anyway. If you want to repay someone how about going to Sapphire's tennis match?" "Yes! I'll cheer her on."
Myles and (N) sit on a bench as (F/n) leans over and watches Sapphire shake hands with her opponent. "This blows. The guy isn't even cute. Where are the cute ones at?" The rest of the drama club stands a bit farther away from the trio. Sapphire scores a point causing (N) and Myles to cheer and smile at each other. Yuki frowns and Rose gives her a soft smile. "I'm sure you'll find your Romeo someday."

Sapphire wipes her face with a towel as Myles hands her some water. "Thanks. It's good to see you at school." "Mhm! Happy to be here." Sapphire glances at (N) and stands up. "Well, here I go. Wish me luck." As the match continues the male tennis player accidentally hits the ball into the crowd. Myles falls off the bench causing (N) to rush to him. "Myles are you okay?!" "I'm fine...ouch."

Myles rolls up his pants leg to reveal a bruise. The tennis player crouches down and reaches out a hand. "I'm so sorry. Let me help-" (N) swats the male's hand away and glares. "Don't touch him." Myles blushes as (N) turns to him. "Let's get you to the nurse." "Okay." (N) gently wraps his arms around Myles and helps the male walk. "Take it slow." "R-Right."

(N) eyes soften as Myles places a hand on his chest. A soft blush forms on his cheeks. Yuki forces a smile as she watches the flustered males walk off the court. "Well. Haha. We already knew ha." Her voice trembles as she laughs dryly. Yuna's eyes water as she smiles at her sister. "I'm sorry. You did your best." "No...I..." The twins cry together as Rose and Hannah pull them into a group hug.

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