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Leaving Jenny for three days is killing me... although I'm doing this for her...
I left to find Esme since that dickhead couldn't do the job... And I did find her, at the southern mountains...
"The wind told me you were close" She's sitting on the floor, healing a wounded woman.
"I know it's been a while, but I need your help..." I sit down on my knees beside her, it is humiliating, but I'm in desperate need of her help.
"I know, go get me some water" I get her the water and sit back.
"So... will you help me?" she shushes me and continues to pour some liquid on the woman, she seems to be passed out and so sick.
"You get me a glass of that golden blood to heal this woman, and I'll help you back" Who the fuck is this woman anyway?
"Why do you care about her life?"
"She's the reason your kingdom won't fall, if she dies, your kingdom falls" So many questions running through my head...
"And what do you get from saving her?"
"Your protection... she's my daughter... ace..." makes sense.
"You're telling me if I fail to protect her, you'll take revenge on me and my kingdom?"
"She's too special to die, give her a sip of that blood... and you'll live happily ever after with Jenny"
"Alright, I will heal her the second she steps in my mansion, but you have to help me right now, my kingdom needs a shield... especially the mansion" Esme takes my hand and smiles at me.
"Now take her, and leave..." and I did, I took this woman in my arms and walked away, and forgot to ask for her name...

" and I did, I took this woman in my arms and walked away, and forgot to ask for her name

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I had to come back to the mansion on day two, didn't think I'd find Esme so quick...
I'm holding this woman in my arms, she is totally unconscious... I'm walking in the hallways to an empty room she could stay in... I walk by our biggest hall, the one Isaac and my father threw balls in... I hear an orchestra play, I push open the doors with my foot while still holding whoever her name is... and I see Jenny... she is happy... dancing... laughing... my heart shatters into millions of pieces... because she's feeling all this with someone who isn't me... she has feelings for isaac.... She finally notices Me by the door... her facial expressions fade...I have a feeling she is also broken... seeing me holding this woman in my arms... does she even regret dancing in his arms?
I decide to get her jealous, so I hold this woman closer and tighter and walk away...

 does she even regret dancing in his arms? I decide to get her jealous, so I hold this woman closer and tighter and walk away

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The woman is tucked in bed... and I'm sitting on the armchair in the same room... holding a glass of water, waiting for Jenny to ask for an explanation, maybe a truthful apology... But she doesn't seem to care... I called a maid to summon her...
A few minutes go by and she's here, sitting on the other armchair...
"Can we talk ?" she's looking at me with eyes filled with guilt, jealousy, and curiosity... but I want to play a little bit.
" Drink this first" I hand her the glass and watch her drink a few sips.
"Who the hell is she" Okay then, she's too stubborn to apologize, and I'll be too stubborn to tell the truth then.
"She's my ex-girlfriend, I saw her at a bar almost dying, and decided to take care of her until She gets better" She's definitely burning from the inside.
"So you're using me to cure her?"
"Of course, you have a problem?"
"I do... I don't want her here, at least not around you..." the water turns into blood in about twenty minutes and help the woman drink...
"Meet me in my room in an hour" Jenny leaves the room with a red nose... i'm just teaching her a lesson...

 i'm just teaching her a lesson

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