2kim ; campus tour

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Minju took a deep breath, facing the steep stairs she had to climb. The staircase was narrow yet steep and was surrounded by tall trees. It's like walking in the forest, journeying in a concrete pathway. The sound of birds chirping and humming seemed as though they were greeting her with a warm welcome. She was just halfway through when her breathing became more intense.

She was questioning why she was in that place—why she chose this place. As she made her way to the top of the staircase, she saw waiting shed for the service that would pick her up to go to her campus.

"Good Morning!" The driver greeted her enthusiastically. She showed a worried small smile, badly wanting her alone time. The driver immediately noticed this and reckon it was best to remain silent.

"We're here, Mx." He said.

"Thank you." Minju replied, leaving a small tip for him.

'Here comes college life.' She thought.

"Good morning! Please tap your I.D." The pady guard uttered making Minju snap out from her train of thought.

"Good morning! May I know where is room TB257?" She asked politely.

"That would be the Twin Buildings Tower 2, then 5fth floor and 7th classroom. Just turn right until you see the big twin statues." The guard smiled and pointed her right hand to the said direction.

"Got it. Thank you!" Minju replied and quickly rushed to the building after hearing the bell, indicating 15 minutes before classes start.

Minju felt like she was extremely lucky today. She got to their building fast and there was no line for the elevator. She calmly went inside and pressed the fifth button.  The doors were about to close when a girl quickly blocked it's way.

"I said hold it." The short haired girl glared at her. Minju honestly felt scared. She must've been in deep thought to not hear the other girl. The short-haired woman was about to press the fifth button but saw it lit up already. She retracted her hand and let out a sigh.

Minju thought the aura of this girl screams 'bitch.' She looks young, probably a year or two older than her. She was wearing a black leather jacket over a white tank top, matched with ripped jeans and boots. The door closed quickly with just the two of them. Minju found her extremely attractive. But rude. But still very attractive.

"Ahem." The other girl faked a cough.

"Stop checking me out. Kim Chaewon. 2nd Year." She said monotonously.

"Huh? Oh. Uhm. Sorry, I was thinking of something else. I'm Minju. I'm a 1st Year Finance Student." Minju awkwardly replied.

"Cool." Well this is certainly an awkward encounter. They both wanted to get out of this slow-ass elevator, especially Minju who just got caught staring at this beautiful, scary, yet cute woman. Minju thought Chaewon's beauty is so unique!

"What's your course?" Minju tried to converse with Chaewon and eradicate the awkward silence.

"I'm taking up accounting. I'm in the left wing of the floor. Where's yours?"

"Oh. I- Well... I don't know where my room is." Minju confessed.

"Oh right. First day. What's written in your schedule?" Chaewon asked curiously. The way they spoke was better and felt comfortable.

The elevator door opened already. They both got out, but stopped right outside the door's entrance.

"TB257" Minju said pulling out the printed paper of schedule.

"Oh. I knew it. You're in the right wing. Turn right on that corner and then you'll see room 7 at the end of it's hallway."

"Gotcha. Thanks, Mx. Chaewon."

"Just call me Chaewon. No need for honorifics. Will this be the last time I'll see you?" Chaewon was just joking, but as an introvert, she was having a hard time expressing emotions to other people.

"Well..." Minju was unsure of what to answer. Chaewon was mentally slapping herself for making this awkward. On the other hand, Minju was mentally punching her brain.

"I was kidding." Chaewon chuckled.

"You know, I'm looking forward to see you around. Definitely not the last." Minju smiled as she was relieved to have an actual non-awkward moment in their conversation.

"Let's grab lunch together. I'll show you around." Chaewon offered.

"Do we have the same lunch times?"

"Mhm. 1st years and 2nd years." Chaewon nodded.

"Okay then. Show me the best spots where in uni." Minju winked and chuckled. The bell rang right after. They separated ways from each other with smiles on their faces.

Both looking forward to explore the campus together.

"And that's basically how I met your mother." Minju said to her son, Chaemin.

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