2kim ; babe

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"Babe?" Chaewon asked as she look around Minju's large mostly empty classroom.

"Oh, Chaewon. Minju's at the back. She was gloomy a while ago and didn't participate well in class. We don't know why. You should talk to her." Yena, Minju's class president said as she saw the younger peek in the room. She just nod and went in.

"Minju?" She asked the girl who looks like she was napping. Chaewon was looking for a way to see Minju, but there was no way.

Chaewon grew more curious as she heard quite sobs of frustration from her best friend.

"Minmin~ What's wrong?" Chaewon keeps asking, sitting in the chair in front of Minju and faced her.

Yena and her friends went out already leaving the two alone in the ckassroom.


"Don't call me that." Minju coldly blurted out. Chaewon was taken aback.

Minju's answer to her was slightly violent, just enough for Chaewon to know the girl was very frustrated.

"Why? What's the problem?" Chaewon said with confusion painted in her face.

"You know what.."

"It's you. You're the problem!" Minju added and faced Chaewon, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"What? Why? Tell me, Babe!" Chaewon demanded. Minju took a deep breath and stood up about to leave.

"Hey! Don't leave! Explain to me." Chaewon held Minju's arm and stood up too.

"Let go!"

"No! Tell me!"

"I said let go, Chaewon!" Minju cried more.


"Fine! I like you! No cross that, I love you! You make things hard for me! Everytime we are together, I feel the butterflies. And with you calling me endearments, it's frustrating you know. I don't want to lose you either, Chaewon! So please, let go now. I need to go."

"You aren't going anywhere."

"I made things awkward. Sorry, Chae. I need to go."

Chaewon's grip became a bit more tighter sending signals that she doesn't want to let go of her hand.

"I wouldn't let go without me saying I love you too."


"Minju, why do you think I kept saying I wanted to be the girl you always hold hands with? The time I said I wanted to be your girlfriend if ever? Don't you get it?"

"I love you so much, Minju. God knows how much I love you. So please, stop crying. It hurts me." Chaewon brought Minju in for a hug.

Minju was stunned. She didn't plan this at all and expected Chaewon to respond negatively to her.

Minju hugged her back, still crying. But this time, different reasons.

Tears of joy. Tears of happiness as her best friend love her back more than friends.

"Be my girl forever, Minju." Chaewon whispered.

"Forever." She said back.

Their hug was only broken as they heard students fussing about them as they entered.

For how long they've talk and hugged, they missed the bell and their lunch.

"What's the real deal?" Yena said and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Uh.. Mine." Chaewon said and dragged Minju to buy her even a little snack before classes start again.

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