jinjoo; roses

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"Up next, we have Yena, Yujin, Chaeyeon, and Yuri aka Roses to perform their cover of Garrett Borns' Electric Love!" The announcer quickly said with excitement as the audience roar.

The event organizers chose their city to be the venue for a regional sports competition. To keep the audience, including the coaches and athletes, entertained the organizers prepared tons of performances. One of them is Yujin's band.

Excitement filled their bodies when they received a call from one of the organizers to perform in the said event. Their band, Roses, is not new to playing in city events. They have gained popularity with the locals as they perform in different school events and city anniversaries.

The band was composed of Yuri, the vocalist, Yena, their bassist, Yujin, their guitarist, and Chaeyeon, their drummer and leader. They all grew up in the same block and shared the same interest in music. Being a performer has been their dream since they were kids, so performing in a big regional event is a significant achievement.

"Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck
By your electric love
Baby, your electric love
Baby, you're electric, electric."

They end the song flawlessly. The audience loves their performance. Some of them chanted for more, but unfortunately, they only have limited time slots.

They all looked and smiled at each other as if they're communicating by their looks. Yujin released a deep sigh before following the others as they come down the stage.

"Good job, guys! Excellent performance!" The staffs say.

"Thank you!" They said and went back to their waiting room. The band was exhausted after all the jumping, singing, and playing.

Meanwhile, Yujin excused herself and went to the field beside the event hall. There, she sat down and admired the stars. Looking at the sky is her way to release stress and to clear her thoughts.

Things were peaceful with the sound of silence and a tint of the muffled music and singing from the hall. Well, not until Yujin felt someone sat beside her.

"Great performance." Yujin looked at her side to see a stunning girl staring at the skies too.

"Thanks, Min."

"Shouldn't you be inside your waiting room resting?"

"Want to relax. How about you? Shouldn't you be watching the show with the Mayor?" Yujin asked.

"My dad can take care of that. Besides, my favorite performers performed already." Minju replied.

She is Kim Minju, the youngest daughter of the Mayor and a schoolmate. She is the kind, innocent girl with the potential to be the next leader of their town.

"Hm... Us?" Yujin asked.

"Of course," Minju replied and looked at her.

At this point, they played a staring contest, only broken when the staff saw them and told them both to go back to the hall.

Yujin chuckled and helped Minju stood up.

"I will catch you at the after-party?" Minju asked before heading the opposite way.

"I am not sure, but I will try." Yujin smiled.

Minju felt soft with Yujin smiling. If the staff didn't give them a second warning, she would probably stay there and melt.

She admits that she got a small crush on Roses' guitarist. But like most of us, she is also afraid to get rejected.

She went back to her seat in the event hall. Her best friend, Chaewon, greeted her with a smile.

"Where'd you go?"

"In the field to breathe some fresh air. All that screaming left me breathless." She said and smiled back.

"Cause Yujin was there?" Chaewon asked.

"How did you know?" Minju confirmed by asking back.

"I know you." Chaewon looked and chuckled.

Good thing no one noticed Chaewon wiped the tear that rolled down her cheeks. Yes, she saw Minju with Yujin staring at each other when she went to the bathroom. Oh, God knows how much she just wished she didn't.

On the other hand, Yujin went back and saw her bandmates playing their phones.

"Yuj! Wanna play Call of Duty?" Yena offered.

"Nah. I need to check my soc meds." She replied and sat down in one of the comfy bean bags.

She took out her phone and watched the other bands play in the live stream. She's focused on listening and watching the live stream, but what caught her attention was Minju and Chaewon looking at each other as they sing, and the camera caught them.

Yujin saw how full of love was Chaewon's stare at her friend. She smiled at the sight. She saw how the Minju was happy to see Chaewon and Chaewon see Minju. Minju must've misunderstood her actions and sweet gestures. Yujin knows about the little crush Minju has for her.

But unfortunately, she can't return it to her.

Minju misunderstood her sweet gestures. But now, she is happy because Chaewon has Minju all by herself, and Yujin knows Chaewon will take care of Minju.

Yujin doesn't want Minju to get hurt. Having someone distract Minju will help her to erase her feelings. Yujin was supposed to close her phone, but she received a message that made her smile ear to ear.

one zero two

I love your performance! Sorry for the late message. We were practicing for our dance. We are fourth to the last, will you watch me live?


Thank you! Hehe, yup! otw to the hall :)

Don't worry Jinjoonators, I'll be posting fluff soon :>

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