chaetomi ; breads and chatbots

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"Argh!" Chaeyeon screamed in frustration as she tried to click the message again.

"Unnie, why are you shouting? I swear, I will tell Mommy how loud you are." Chaeryeong, her sister, said after throwing a pillow towards her older sister.


"Because what?"

"This chatbot doesn't seem to respond quickly."

"Don't tell me you are still trying to create the 'I am Your Mom' Chatbot-" Chaeryeong was cut off by another scream of her unnie.

"I'm telling mom." Chaeryeong was about to stand up but the pillow she threw a while ago came back to her.

"You are my sister. You should help me!"

"I don't know things about that weird stuff, Unnie! Can't you just dial an expert?" Chaeryeong complained and went back to her own bed.

It's 11pm. They should be asleep right now, but due to Chaeyeon shouts, Chaeryeong's soul is very awake. She doesn't get why her sister is so passionate to create this silly chatbot that would pretend like the person is talking to her mom.

Chaeyeon wanted the bot to reply silly comments and say what typical moms say to their kids like 'Can you clean the dishes.', 'The neighbor has a birthday party, attend it so we can have dinner.'
or something funnier.

"That is actually a smart idea!" Chaeyeon pointed out.

"I know, I'm smart." Chaeryeong flipped her hair jokingly.

"I regret saying it sooo bad."

Chaeyeon went to Twitter to ask for help. She knows the great wizards and tech pros live in that hell of a world. Within minutes of posting, a user managed to contact her.

"Chaeryeong! Help me talk to this user. You know I suck at conversing."

"Unnie, you are legit trying to make a chatbot yet you can't even chat a person."

"Sh... Just help me then I pay you 20,000 Korean Won."

"Oh freaking sure!" Chaeryeong rolled to her sister's bed and looked at the user.

"Alright. Just say you really needed help." She said after.

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(A/N: please ignore text timestamp oof)

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The conversation made Chaeyeon speechlesswhile her sister laughed

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The conversation made Chaeyeon speechless
while her sister laughed. It was so cute and Chaeyeon didn't mind the misunderstanding. She knew this could be a potential friend.

Their Mom barged in the room upon hearing Chaeryeong's loud laugh and took their phones for them to sleep.

"That was hilarious!" Chaeryeong said as she tuck herself again in her bed.


The next morning, Chaeyeon woke up with her phone beside her and a note from Chaeryeong saying she will bake more bread since the situation yesterday was hilarious for her.

Chaeyeon quickly opened her phone to see that the girl who messaged her sent her so many message about bread before going to sleep.

Chaeyeon quickly opened her phone to see that the girl who messaged her sent her so many message about bread before going to sleep

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"I guess I need to deliver some bread." Chaeyeon stood up. She was excited to meet this girl.

Even though they are neighbors, only Chaeryeong knows Hitomi personally, since Chaeryeong is a friend of a friend.

Chaeyeon went down to see her sisters make another ton of bread.

"4 trays?! Are you guys running a bakery?" Chaeyeon complained.

"What about it? Cheese buns are great." Her youngest sister said.

"You gotta deliver some to Hitomi." Chaeryeong said.

Chaeyeon sighed and ate lunch. She woke up very late. Their parents have work so no one would really scold her.

She went back to the second floor and took a bath. Before heading back down again, she grabbed her phone and laptop.

"I'm still trying to find the solution to that bot."

"Unnie, you should really give up that bot."

"Blah blah."

"I am recording this and then I'm going to send it to Mom and Dad. You haven't paid my 20,000 yet."

To make this long story short, the trio went to Hitomi's home to meet her. It would've been bad if they wouldn't share this trays of cheese buns to others before their parents come home.

Hitomi's house smells like a bread factory, but like all cute. The two met well and managed to have a non-awkward conversation. Well, thanks to Chaeryeong, it was less awkward.

Since then, Chaeyeon and her sisters would hangout with Hitomi as they bake bread. This made Chaeyeon and Hitomi closer and also because of the fact that they both love Japanese shows.

And yes, Chaeyeon wasn't able to finish the chatbot. She deleted them afterwards.

--4 years later--

"Hichan!" Chaeyeon shouted.

"Chaeryeong was right. You are really loud." Hitomi joked.

"This is serious. You gotta help me with this chatbot!"

"I thought you quit that Mom Chatbot?"

"No. It's not a chatbot that acts like a mom."

"Then what?"

"A chatbot that acts like your sister!" Chaeyeon confidently said.

"You are 26, Chaeyeon." Hitomi blankly said to her best friend.

"But the idea is great! I copy what my sisters say to annoy m-"

Hitomi sighed and just thought,

"I shouldn't have dmed her. I could've barged in their house for bread."

Of course that is a joke. If it wasn't for bread, she wouldn't meet her partner in crime, bread, jokes, bot, life, food, game... 186+ more.

Requested by: msntc9

I can't write angst for these two cuties🥺 I tried to but my brain and heart says yeet no

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