°Disclaimers and Explanations°

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☆ This story may contain spoilers for both Percy Jackson and Record of Ragnarok

☆ If you're only a Record of Ragnarok fan and not a Percy Jackson fan, feel free to still read this. Simply be warned that the Percy Jackson storyline and characters in this fanfiction have a major cannon divergance with the actual series and you may still get exposed to major and minor spoilers in the PJO series

☆ I did not create, nor do I own Record of Ragnarok and Percy Jackson

☆ Personalities may be inaccurate

☆ There are major and minor changes in character's backstories, motives, and etc. This story contains a major cannon divergance to both series'

☆ There will be no inapropriate mentions in this book. I kindly ask of everyone to NOT sexualize any of the Percy Jackson characters. They are all 14-17. They are minors. The farthest I'm going with romantic scenes are kissing, hugging, cuddling, and the likes

☆ I am going with the way Percy Jackson chapter names are

☆ Katherine Dosia and Thomas Lester are OC's, and do not exist, nor appear, in the Percy Jackson or ROR series

☆ Any gods (ex, Buddha and Shiva) that are apart of actual religions are NOT the same as the ones that appear in Record of Ragnarok. If you were to hate that god in Record of Ragnarok, do not show that in real life. Respect the people in those religions, no matter which god you actually believe in

☆ Anyone in the Record of Ragnarok series who were demigods aren't demigods in this fanfiction

☆ I have no idea how frequently I will update this story

☆ The ROR gods are the parents of the PJO characters. The PJO gods don't exist in this universe

☆ There is LGBTQ+ ships in PJO (and yes, they're cannon, and one fannon PJO LGBTQ+ ship will be included here in this fanfiction, too). So if you're homophobic, I kindly ask you to not read this story

☆ The White Citadel (a realm you'll learn of in this story) is heavily inspired by the In Between (from the DSMP). (And no, I didn't ship anyone in the DSMP while I was in the fandom)

☆ The gods don't have DNA. So even though almost all greek gods are related, it wouldn't be akward for their children to date. Though they somehow inherit some of their parents features

☆ Thomas Lester (one of my OC's) is heavily inspired by C!Karl Jacobs from the DSMP

☆ We never get to really know Ethan Nakamura in the series, so his personality may differ from what is shown in the series

☆ There are multiple mentions of:
•eating disorders
•character death

<~- -~>

《《《 PJO Cannon Divergances 》》》
🌊 - Chiron's dead in this universe. He never knew of Camp Half-Bloods existance, nor any of the demigods existance

🌊 - Mr. D (Dionysus) hates the demigods and barely knows about them

🌊 - There are no camp directors, staff, or anything of the likes. It's the demigods alone who handle Camp Half-Blood

🌊 - The plates in Camp Half-Blood are enchanted, just like the goblets in the original series. Which is why the demigods never need to worry about their food. They just need to say what they want to eat, and it'll appear on their plate

🌊 - There's only twelve demigods in existance in this fanfiction. (Sixteen if you count the dead ones)

🌊 - Satyrs don't exist in the demigod's universe

Half-Divine Intervention (PJO x ROR)Where stories live. Discover now