☆ Chapter 2 ~ The Weird Girl Also Has A Partner In Crime? ☆

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TW: Some things in this chaper may be very disurbing to quite a few readers. A summary of the chapter will be given at the end if you don't want to read this chapter due to the warnings.

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January 19, 2023 - January 20, 2024

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Lü Bu pinned the girl against the wall, his sword pressed against the strawberry blonde's throat. He wasn't too sure what truly brought him to do such a thing. Though he usually always thought about what he was doing before he executed any action, he had not done that in this scenario. It was like an impulse, and he quite hated it.

The pressure Lü Bu had on the sword wasn't enough to draw blood, but the cold metal against her throat sent a shiver down Katherine's spine.

"You're lying," The general said gruffly, "you must be lying."

All the human fighters kind of just stared at the scene. Jack, however, found it very interesting, that Katherine lacked any aura of fear at all.

"I'm not lying." The girl said. They all heard thunder in the background, despite the fact that there was no sign of rain and it was a sunny day.

"Now, please get off me so I can explain. Because believe it or not; I actually want to help you all." A flash of lightning appeared beside the human fighters, and Lü Bu immediately turned back to check on them all.

Katherine stared at the scene, a train of thought entering her mind when Lü Bu seemed to altogether ignore the threat he had just inflicted on Katherine in exchange for the other men. But then again, Katherine's mind wasn't exactly one to be quiet... ever, actually.

She observed the scene, and wondered to herself on how the general had just revealed his weakness so easily... so blatantly. As a war veteran and 'sometimes' general herself, she was confused why Lü Bu had neglected the fact that the supposed enemy (a.k.a, her) was still there. But now Katherine knew - she recognized the chink in his armor.

Her train of thought continued. Perhaps Lü Bu hadn't been so keen on hiding his weakness, his fatal flaw, because Katherine was young. A silly teenager who probably knows none the better. An ignorant girl who still needs the comfort of her parents.

"Well, it's not like my parents ever provided me with comfort." Katherine thought indifferently.

Or... perhaps it was because Katherine was female. The teen wondered if, due to the fact that they all came from a way older time than the twenty first century (excluding Simo Häyha and Nikola Tesla), they'd be a bit... erm... sexist. (Though some (m̶o̶s̶t̶) people were definitely still sexist in the twenty first century).

Straying from the former topic in her head, Katherine knew who all these men were...

Because she was an absolute history nerd. She just liked to learn about history. Not just British history (a.k.a., her countries history), but whatever history she found interesting. So basically... world history.

Plus, Katherine may or may not had gotten curious and checked in every once in a while with Ragnarok. She had seen some of the human's fight. And she was there to watch her father die, because her timing happened to be ever so fortunate.

But anyways, coming out of Katherine's train of thought because she has a bit too many of them for one chapter, the girl simply hoped it wasn't the latter of what she thought. She did not like being underestimated just because she was a girl.

The lightning, strangely enough, did not blind or make any of the human fighters deaf. (Because if you couldn't tell, lightning is really loud... and really bright).

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