☆ Chapter 4 ~ Everyone Fights and Gains Trust Issues ☆

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TW: Some things in this chaper may be very disurbing to quite a few readers. A summary of the chapter will be given at the end if you don't want to read this chapter due to the warnings.

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January 20, 2024

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Leonidas' eyes narrowed as he read the war goddess' name, gritting his teeth a bit. He still hadn't gotten over the Peloponnesian War, even if he wasn't the one reigning over Sparta during that time period.

They were literally on the brink of defeat during that long and perilous battle. Said war was waged for fifteen years - fifteen long and perilous years - oh, how many men they had lost during the crossfire.

Sure, Leonidas enjoyed war - the adrenaline, the bloodshed - the Spartan king would admit that fact any time. But, his soldiers gore contributed to that blood shed, which was not pleasurable in any situation for King Leonidas.

Basically, the Peloponnesian War was a combat in which Athens and Sparta fought. The latter may have won, but Athens still caused a mass dip in the population of Sparta, and the Spartan king was not exactly the "forgiving" type. Anyone who knew the warrior was not negligent to that piece of information.

"Hey." He grunted in the direction of his fellow fighters. No one was able to tell whether his voice cut through the tension (leaving an air of relief they didn't know they needed), or just contrived the whole situation to be even more strained.

"The writing above the door's in Greek," he nodded to the entryway of the cabin, "and that piece of writing just happens to say "Athena"."

All the fighters seemed to grow an air of resentment. Basically, they disliked all the Olympians.

Leonidas scanned all the other cabins, reading out the engravings on the top of their doors in order. He made sure to make his voice clear while reading, knowing very well he was the only one who could read and speak Greek in their group.

"Zeus, Hera, Poseidon-" Poseidon's name had caused Sasaki to release a singular fake cough.

"Demeter, Ares..." The Spartan king decided to just simply skip mentioning Athena's name.

"Apollo." He seemed to grow a bit aggressive as he mentioned the god of the sun's name.

"Artemis." Leonidas spoke the name with less aggression, but it was still evident.

"Hephaestus." Soji Okita looked more interested now as he heard the name of the god who had helped forge Susano'o no Mikoto's sword.

"Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, Hades..." a soft frown was evident on Qin Shi Huang's face. Though, all of them had definitely met the goddess of love and the god of messengers before.

"Iris, Hypnos, Nemesis..." Leonidas couldn't help but grin (contradicting Ying Zheng's frown) when he heard the name of the goddess who was mentioned in the names of his attacks.

"Nike, Hebe, Tyche, and Hecate." All of them weren't familiar at all with the last four. They connected the dots anf assumed they were a part of the Greek pantheon, but simply not a part of the twelve Olympians who presided over Olympus.

"Nike... like, the shoe brand?" Simo Häyhä raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me-" Nikola Tesla was cut off by Thomas clearing his throat as the demigod was now behind them.

That was rather peculiar as he had popped up so randomly. They all swore he wasn't behind them a moment ago.

The only thing behind them moments ago was the still low and dim bonfire.

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