2: intimidated

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Every step he took seemed to reverberate through the room, sending ripples of anticipation and apprehension through the crowd.

Aayat could feel the weight of his gaze as it swept over the assembled guests, assessing them with a keen eye.

Accompanied by his personal assistant, the man made his way towards Shreya, his cousin sister.

Aayat watched with bated breath as he approached, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat.

She felt a flood of relief wash over her as his attention turned towards Shreya, momentarily sparing her from the intensity of his scrutiny.

Shreya greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes alight with excitement at his presence.

Aayat observed from a distance, her senses heightened as she took in the exchange between them.

His voice, deep and commanding, echoed through the room, sending shivers down her spine.

"Enjoy your time until 11," he said to Shreya, his words laced with authority.

"We'll be leaving then, and I'll drop you back to the haveli."

Aayat's mind raced with questions, her curiosity piqued by the mention of the royal haveli.

What secrets lay hidden within its walls? What connection did this man have to Shreya and her family? She couldn't shake the feeling of being caught in the midst of a whirlwind of emotions, swept up in a tide of intrigue and uncertainty.

watched in awe as the man, Rajveer, and his entourage disappeared from sight, leaving behind a lingering sense of mystery in his wake.

Turning to Shreya, Aayat's astonishment spilled over as she uttered the question burning in her mind.

"Who was he?" Aayat asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Shreya's response sent shockwaves through Aayat's core. "That was my cousin, Rajveer.

He's not just the CEO of the company, he's also a member of the Raghuwanshi family."

Aayat's jaw dropped in disbelief, her mind struggling to process the revelation.

She had never imagined that her friend, whom she had known for so long, was not just an employee but a member of one of the most influential families in the industry.

Despite her shock, Aayat managed to maintain her composure, offering a polite farewell to Shreya as she prepared to leave.

However, before she could take another step, Shreya's voice halted her in her tracks.

"Where are you going?" Shreya's concern was evident in her tone as she looked at Aayat with furrowed brows.

Aayat hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she realized she had no plans for accommodation and it was already late.

Swallowing her pride, she confided in Shreya, explaining her predicament.

To Aayat's relief, Shreya's face softened with understanding, and she offered a solution.

"Don't panic, Aayat. You can stay at my house tonight. I won't take no for an answer."

Gratitude swelled within Aayat's heart as she accepted Shreya's generous offer, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in knowing that she had a friend to rely on in her time of need.

With a heartfelt thank you, Aayat followed Shreya out of the event, her mind buzzing with the events of the evening and the newfound revelations about her friend's family.

Aayat: his Ambivalence Where stories live. Discover now