7: enraged?

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By the time they reached, she fell asleep.

As Rajveer carries Aayat's sleeping form from the car to the grand entrance of the haveli, a heavy silence blankets the estate. Her arms instinctively wrap around his shoulders, seeking comfort even in her unconscious state. Rajveer steals a glance at her innocent face, still stained with remnants of wet tears, his heart clenching with a mixture of concern and guilt.

Upon entering the haveli, the guards open the door, revealing a scene of laughter and animated conversation among the family members. Oblivious to Aayat's absence, they carry on with their evening, their joy contrasting starkly with the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

As RajveerRajveer's gaze remains fixed on Aayat, his heart aching as he watches the turmoil unfold. "I don't know," he admits, his voice strained with regret. "But she needs rest!"

As the family gathers around Aayat, their worry palpable in the air, Rajveer takes a step back, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He hadn't anticipated the night taking such a drastic turn, and now he's left grappling with the aftermath of what happened to Aayat.

Despite the chaos swirling around them, one thing is clear - whatever transpired during Aayat's absence has left them all reeling. And as they wait anxiously for her to wake up and shed light on the events of the night, a sense of unease settles over the once lively atmosphere of the haveli, casting a shadow over their hearts and minds.

Rajveer takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. "She needs rest," he says firmly, his voice breaking through the murmurs of concern. "I'll take her to her room."

With gentle care, Rajveer lifts Aayat into his arms once more, cradling her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. Despite the weight of the situation, he finds solace in the warmth of her presence, a reminder of the bond they share, however complicated it may be.

As he carries her up the staircase, the family members part silently, their expressions a mix of worry and relief. They watch in silence as Rajveer disappears down the hallway, his footsteps echoing softly against the marble floors.

In Aayat's room, Rajveer lays her down on the bed with utmost care, tucking the blankets around her drenched body. He pauses for a moment, his eyes lingering on her peaceful face, before turning to leave.

But as he reaches the door, a soft whimper escapes Aayat's lips, causing Rajveer to freeze in his tracks. He hesitates for a moment, torn between his desire to stay by her side and the knowledge that she needs time alone to rest.

In the end, he decides to stay, pulling up a chair beside the bed and taking her hand in his. As he sits there in the dimly lit room, watching over her as she sleeps, he knows that no matter what challenges lie ahead, he'll always be there for her, ready to offer comfort and support in her darkest moments.

As Rajveer takes a chair and settles beside Aayat's fragile form, the weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air. Her eyelids flutter open, revealing eyes clouded with pain and uncertainty. With a trembling voice, she calls out for Shreya, her voice barely a whisper amidst the stillness of the room.

Sensing the urgency in Aayat's tone, Shreya rushes to her side, her heart pounding with worry. With gentle hands, she helps Aayat sit up in bed, adjusting the pillows to provide comfort and support. Aayat's vulnerability is palpable, her emotions raw and unguarded as tears stream down her cheeks. She asks the family members to wait outside until she makes Aayat comfortable. Now only her, and Rajveer were present in the room with Aayat.

Shreya's heart breaks at the sight of her pain, a fierce protectiveness rising within her like a tidal wave. She wraps her arms around Aayat, offering silent solace and understanding in the face of overwhelming sorrow.

"Shreya," Aayat whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "He... he has a wife already."

Shreya's grip tightens around Aayat's trembling form, her own emotions roiling with anger and indignation. "Aayat, forget Yash," she urges, her voice laced with fury. "He's a cheater. You promised me you wouldn't let yourself be hurt by someone like him."

Rajveer's heart clenches at Aayat's revelation, a surge of protectiveness coursing through him like a tidal wave. He listens in stunned silence as Aayat recounts her encounter with her ex-lover, his blood boiling at the mere thought of anyone daring to harm her.

"What did he do to you?" Shreya demands, her voice ringing with righteous fury.

Aayat's sobs subside as she speaks, her words weighted with pain and resignation. "Nothing," she whispers. "I just saw him at the hospital. He told me he's married... and his wife is pregnant."

Rajveer's fists clench at his sides, his mind ablaze with thoughts of vengeance against the man who dared to hurt Aayat. But as he looks into her tear-streaked face, his anger gives way to a fierce determination to protect her at all costs.

As Rajveer's mother enters the room, her presence brings a shift in the atmosphere, a sense of maternal warmth and concern permeating the air. The maid follows behind her, placing a tray on the table with delicate care, her eyes flickering with sympathy as they land on Aayat's tear-stained face.

Rajveer's mother approaches Aayat with a gentle smile, her touch soft and comforting as she brushes a hand against her forehead. "Hey, thank God you're okay, dear," she says, her voice filled with genuine concern. "And forgive us, we had no idea about any of this."

Aayat offers a faint smile in response, her heart touched by the sincerity in Rajveer's mother's words. "I'm fine, aunty," she assures her, her voice laced with gratitude. "Thank you for your concern."

Rajveer's mother nods, her gaze lingering on Aayat's face with a mixture of compassion and curiosity. She knows there's more to the story than meets the eye, and she's eager to understand what has transpired between her son and Aayat.

Turning her attention to the tray on the table, Rajveer's mother instructs Shreya to ensure that Aayat eats her meal, her maternal instincts kicking in as she seeks to nurture and care for the young woman before her. Shreya nods in acknowledgment, her expression reflecting a blend of determination and concern for her friend's well-being.

But as Rajveer's mother's gaze settles on her son, her eyes soften with a mix of pride and affection. She's taken aback by the depth of Rajveer's concern for Aayat, a realization dawning upon her that her son's feelings run deeper than she ever imagined.

Rajveer meets his mother's gaze with a sense of apprehension, knowing that she's piecing together the fragments of the puzzle that is his relationship with Aayat.

As Rajveer rises from his seat, a solemn reverence descends upon the room. With measured steps, he approaches his mother, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and unanswered questions. Kneeling before her, he bows his head in a gesture of respect, his hand reaching out to touch her feet .

"May the blessings of the elders always be with you, my son," she murmurs, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Rajveer rises to his feet, a sense of calm settling over him as he stands beside his mother. With a silent understanding passing between them, they step outside into the cool evening air, the weight of unspoken questions hanging heavy between them.

Rajveer knows his mother has a multitude of inquiries swirling in her mind, each one a testament to her love and concern for him. He braces himself for the inevitable interrogation, knowing that he must navigate the delicate balance between truth and protection.

As they walk side by side, Rajveer takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. He knows he must tread carefully, for the secrets he holds close to his heart have the power to reshape their family's dynamic forever.

Late update but with a treat. As 200 reads are done so I'll update the next chapter today. Also guyz don't forget to vote your one vote will give me motivation to write. And yes comment kardo jaldi se.

Instagram - @/ Jyrawrites

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