silver x asher(smut)

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(a/n this ship was picked out from the wheel of names sorry in advance)
Silver pov
I was walking around Malleus had asked me to get some things" Yo Sliver have you seen Asher?" it was deuce "No I haven't why?"I looked at him confused Asher doesn't really go far from his friends "yuu haven't seen him since potions class" he sighed and was looking pissed off "Tch Asher making yuu worry isn't cool man" I looked around trying to remember if I've seen Asher at least once today "have you checked in the library?"I asked softly he shook his head"No why would he be there??"I raised an eyebrow "he goes there to do research for yuu" Deuce looked surprised "Oh I'll check then" he walked away I was now worried Asher does have a small habit of getting in trouble I should look around for him maybe he's in his napping place after a good ten minutes walk I made it to his napping place it was in the basement of the school in a secret room"Asher are you in here?"I heard a soft"no"that was definitely Asher voice"Asher?"I ventured into the hidden room and see a tail? Specifically a cat tail I walked closer and looked around the corner seeing Asher with cat ears and tail "Asher? I thought you were human?"he looked at me with a kicked puppy looked"I am potions went wrong and there was a accident"he whimpered out I got down on one knee and looked closer at him"hey it's ok Asher it'll wear off right?" He sniffed and nodded his tail flicking "Yeah" I sat next to him looking at his ears"Cat ears suit you you know"I smiled he leaned on my shoulder "Thanks" his tail wrapped around my hip letting out small purrs my hand went up to his newly acquired cat ears and rubbed them softly his purrs turned louder "silver~"I looked at him seeing a small blush I looked down and see a tented in his pants"Asher?" he blush more I leaned down
(Smut ahead be warned it might be cringe)
And kissed him softly he kissed back blushing more his ears going flat against his head I looked at him smiling his face was fully red with a blush his tail swaying my hand slid down his back rubbing around his tail he moaned softly raising his hips up to get more friction I smiled "Asher behave"I kissed his ears softly he leaned into it I pulled him on my lap kissing him deeply running my tongue along the bottom of his lips he opened them gently I made the kiss deeper pulling him closer his hips started grinding against mind moaning into the kiss I started to undress him without thinking I pulled back to see his the scars on his chest from a beast"asher~"he looks self-conscious I smiled kissing one of the claw marks"you look marvelous Asher"he let out a small moan i sucked my fingers making sure they're wet"don't worry asher I'll take care if you ~"I kissed down his neck slowly pushing a finger into his ass he let out a uncomfortable sound I patted his head softly whispering "it'll feel better I promise"after a good ten minutes of stretching him he was moaning drooling I pulled my fingers out he whines i unzipped my pants pulling out my cock "Asher move your hips up ok?"I asked softly he quickly moved up making his chest pressed against mine I rubbed my cock against his asshole he shivered as I started slowly and gently pushed my cock into him making sure he's not in too much pain when he whimpered softly I paused"you good?"I asked Asher nodded hiding his face in my neck "yeah it j-just feel weird"he mumbles I rubbed his tail softly again he moaned softly"y-you can move again" he mumbled softly I started moving slowly listening to his soft moan and gasp his ears down against his head again I kept slowing trusting into him"s-silver you can go faster~"Asher moaned out I started moving faster groaning"fuck you're tight~"he moaned louder putting his face against my neck I smiled loving the noise he was making I switched our positions so he was laying on the ground while I was on top of him"you know you look really adorable under me asher~" he blushes and gasp as I started thrusting into him fast and hard he started moaning drooling looking like he was in heaven I smirked kissing and biting his neck and chest touching his body gently I felt the old whip scars on his back he shudder moaning louder "fuck Asher you sound and look so good~"I can feel him tightening around my cock "silver I'm gonna cum~"he gasped out clawing my back I started going faster and harder hitting his g-spot over and over he arched his back cumming all over his chest I groan cumming inside of him biting his shoulder
(End of smut)
Ace pov
I sighed we haven't found Asher yet"maybe he's in his napping place!" Yuu said smiling deuce face palmed"of course why didn't I think of that!"we all walked to the napping place and saw Asher asleep on Silver chest he had cat ears and a tail "What-"Silver shushed us whispering "he'll be fine don't worry"I looked closer seeing hickeys forming on Asher's neck and realized what Happen and pushed yuu, Grimm and, deuce out saying "take care of Asher for us"the other three was complaining asking what about Asher I sighed knowing they have no idea what we walked in on"don't worry about it guys he'll be fine silver a knight after all"I hummed out happily
The end
(A/n hope you liked it sorry if it's kinda sucky )

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