game time!(smut because why not)

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Idia pov
I sighed I wanted to play a video game but everyone was busy"come onnnnn" ace laughed at me "no I got basketball club"I groan he left I walked around thinking seeing asher I smiled"ashie~~"he looked at me like a deer in headlights "h-hey Idia"I smirked he has nothing to do his club isn't meeting today "wanna play a gameeee~~~~"he looked panicked "i-i don't know"I grabbed his arm dragging him to my dorm room he sighed just letting me do it we were in my room "undress ashie"he blushes"why?" I smiled a lot "I need a challenge and you're gonna help me"he blushes undressing showing off his curvy and plump body that's usually hidden by baggy clothes and scars"good boy ~"I sat in my gaming chair pulling out my cock"come on ~~"Asher blushes and get in my lap blushing "now slide onto my cock~"Asher blush sliding onto my cock shuddering moaning softly he bottomed out "good now bounce~"I started up my game and played moaning softly as asher rode my cock halfway through the game I put the controller down and started thrusting up into asher's ass moaning "fuck ashie you're so tight~~~"he moaned more arching his back I bent him over my desk and thrust faster rocking my hip Asher moaned uncontrollably drooling
A hour later
Idia pov
I watch Asher sleep cover in my cum and blush"I can't believe I did that and he went along with it"I thought about every moment and see Leona walked in and walks back out saying "nope not touching that with a ten foot poll" I blush more and Asher curled up sleeping deeply

The end
(A/N I just wanted to randomly write this leave request down below if you want sorry if this sucked)

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