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Jamil pov
All of the sports clubs were at Vargas camp plus Asher and yuu they're in charge of the food I looked around it was in the middle of the night and I didn't see ace"Floyd Asher is missing!" Floyd jolted and looked around "damn it not again" we both set out to find him without telling Asher or yuu "HELPPPPP!" me and Floyd ran to the yelling and saw ace and a wolf I cast a spell scaring the wolf away and Floyd picked up ace "what the hell were you thinking crabby?" Floyd asked ace sniff holding onto Floyd it looks like ace leg was injured "I saw a rabbit and followed it sorry" Floyd nuzzles ace"it's ok" I took a closer look at aces leg"it's just a bruise"I sighed it's not as bad as it seemed we started to head back to camp but we got lost ace looked worry"y'all did tell Asher where you guys were going right?"me and Floyd looked at each other ace flamed palmed "guys ...."he groaned out a hour later we decided to rest i patched up aces leg as Floyd looked around trying to find some familiar ace was scolding us for leaving with our informing Asher or yuu I kissed him to shut him off he kissed back Floyd walked over and kissed aces neck we got caught up in the moment ace moaned and then we hear"really guys?!?"I looked around and saw asher holding his wand looking messy Floyd picked up ace"sorry koi ace looked to adorable" Asher sighed "don't leave camp with our telling me!"he growled I looked down and saw Asher pant leg ripped with bruising "Asher what happened?"I asked as he was wobbling trying to bring us back "a bear attacked me"he mumbles softly I picked him up and all four of us headed back to camp Asher was holding onto me giving directions Floyd and ace talked to us later all four of us ended up in ashers tent because apparently me Floyd and ace cant be trusted alone Asher and ace were asleep in between me and Floyd cuddling each other "koi and crabby are adorable"Floyd chuckled out "yeah will lets never do anything stupid like that again I rather not be scolded by asher again"i sighed

The end
(A/N hope you like it sorry if it's not good leave more requests down below if you want byeeeeeee love y'all ❤️💙❤️💙

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