drunken(light smut)

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Ace pov
Me Jamil and Floyd were having a party for the start up of the basketball club Floyd was drinking too much after an hour Floyd was hanging onto me"Floyd come on we gotta get you to your dorm!"I was dragging him he giggled nuzzling me I blushed a lot "crabby ~"I blushed a lot "f-floyd?"he started to kiss my neck I moaned softly he started kissing my neck"crabby~~"his hands explored by body I moaned he moved down unbuttoning my pants "Floyd?"I gasp as he took my cock in his mouth "w-what don-"I moaned as he swirled his tongue rubbing the vein on my cock"ahh~"he smiles giggling drunkly "aww crabby likes it~~~"he went back to sucking my cock I moaned uncontrollably my breath get ragged "Floyd Floyd Floyd ~"I arch my back as I came Floyd licked his lips smiling nuzzling me"my room now ~"he took me to the octavinelle dorm to his room i blushed
Jamil pov
I sighed Floyd and ace just left I jolted feeling Asher nuzzling me drunkly "why are you drunk?"he mumbles holding onto me"Leona invited me to a party ~~"I scoff "I'm surprised you didn't sleep with him" he giggles drunkly nuzzling me more"he was busy with someone else"I hold him close he started kissing my neck I groan"Asher" he went down "what are you doing?"I hummed he nuzzled my crotch smiling undoing my pants"having funnnnnn~"I tried to make him stop but his mouth was already around my cock and I groaned his tongue piercing feels amazing"ahh~ fuck~"I arch my back as I feel his tongue swirls around my cock licking under it I started moving my hips slowly making him take my cock in his mouth more"ahh~" I came in his mouth he gulp it down and was about to do more but I used my unique magic Snake Whisper and made Asher stop making him pass out "fuck I don't think I could handle anymore"

The end
(A/N sorry it was light smut anyway I hope you like it and sorry it also turned into Jamil x Asher in the end but I wanted to make it longer leave more ask and dares down below if ya want)

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