big bro

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Ace pov
I hummed walking into my classroom and froze seeing my big brother Astral Deuce was talking with him thinking he was me I actually hear him call him ace "Oh Ace little dude there ya are!" he hugged him in a big brother bear hug deuce and the rest of the class looked shocked I blushed having my big brother here is so embarrassing "hold on Asher why are you shocked you met my brother before!"I yelled noticing Asher looked shocked he smiled sheepishly"I forgot how much you two look alike" Astral sat me down and started talking to my class about his job Asher was taking notes for some reason "to be honest it's a normal job I know my bro is gonna do something better right ace?"my face got red from embarrassment I'm totally gonna get picked on after this jack raised his hand "astral are you really aces older brother?" Astral smiled widely "yeppers and a very proud big brother of course ~" I looked at Asher begging for a distraction and he provided by bombarding him with all types of tech questions about the rides and stuff

(A/n I hope you like it I tried my best sorry it's short leave more requests down below if ya want)

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