Floyd x ace x jamil

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Ace pov

I woke up feeling like shit my head hurts so much deuce looked at me "hey ace you ok?"I nodded and inwardly groan because that hurt like hell "ok if you say so"he said throughout the day I kept feeling like shit it's so hot in the classrooms I'm lucky no one notices basketball club is gotta start so I changed into my uniform it helped with the hotness in my body at least I saw Jamil and Floyd looking at me"crabby are you ok?"I nodded smiling "yeah don't worry now let's play some ball!"I walked out of the changing rooms and we started playing I was sluggish but I think no one noticed

Jamil pov
Me and Floyd watched as ace played he was sluggish not is normal self something is wrong "crabby you're panting a lot"Floyd said worried ace stopped and spaced out for a bit "ace?"I walked up to him next thing I know he crumbles to the floor fainting "ace!"me and Floyd rushed to him I felt his forehead"his burning up he has a fever" Floyd picked him up"we should take him to your dorm you have medicine right??"I nodded as we quickly leaved Floyd was holding onto ace tightly"why wouldn't crabby tell us he was sick?" I remember how kalim would hide his sickness so people wouldn't worry"probably so people wouldn't worry about him"we made it to my dorm "we need to get him out of his uniform and wipe him down"Floyd started quickly undressing ace leaving him in is boxers I handed Floyd a cold bowl of water and a rag while I started making some medicine ace groaned "it's ok crabby me and sea snake will take good care of you" it took awhile to make the medicine ace has woken up but he was out of it

Floyd pov

I watched as Jamil gave ace medicine for his fever ace didn't like the taste"will that's how you know it's gonna work!"Jamil said ace looked at us with tears in eyes"'m sorry 'm sorry"me and Jamil froze for awhile "hey crabby it's ok it's ok really it's gonna be ok"I rubbed his back his fever must be real bad I don't think I ever seen ace cry"ace me and Floyd will take care of you till you're better I'll tell your dorm leader what's going on ok?"Jamil asked softly and gently ace whimpers in pain nodding I applied a cold wash rag to his forehead humming "rest crabby"he nodded off mumbling a thanks and another sorry again "Floyd watch him while I tell the rest what's up"Jamil left and came back we spent the whole day taking care of ace

The end
(A/N I hope you like It thanks to lilaminat5 for the request)

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