not floyd

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Jade pov
Floyd wanted to trade clothes and pretend to be each other I was walking to the basketball club room and stopped seeing Asher "jade why are you in Floyd clothes"I frowned how did Asher know "prank"I said he nodded and go back to playing obey me "have fun don't try to kiss our boyfriend "I nodded and kiss Asher check"yes little koi bye"I walked away humming as Asher went to bug riddle for shit and giggles I walked into the club room and see ace and Jamil"hey sea snake hey crabby~"I smiled Jamil gave a really look and ace runs up to me hugging me"floyddddddd~"I hugged back smiling sweetly "hey crabby miss me?" He nodded handed me the ball"you're supposed to show me that trick"I freeze I can't play basketball good"maybe later crabby"I patted his head talking to him ace pouted but nods we decided to do some light basketball stuff
Floyd pov
I was hanging on to Asher mumbling "how'd you know?"Asher hummed smiling playing that dating game obey me "I know my boyfriend from his brother"i looked at him shocked "you and jade are dating?" He smiled"me jade and Idia"I hummed as he continued "just like you ace and Jamil"my face went red "you know?"he nodded humming playing his game I watched more as the day went on Asher just went along with the prank for the chaos it caused because everyone can tell something different but no one can tell what the only ones who knew are Jamil Asher and Azul
Asher pov
I watched Ace hugged jade and twitched my eye I didn't like this jade is my boyfriend and I know he's pretending to be Floyd but still "crabby~~~"he said in that voice that I loved Idia hugged me watching "something is off about Floyd" I chuckled hugging him "honey that's jade"he made a o face a couple minutes later I decided enough was enough "ace !"I yelled and looked at me"yeah?" I walked up"that's jade"his face red went and started blushing "w-what?I-it is"I nodded he hid his face mumbling"I kissed his cheek sorry" I smiled "don't worry I did that to Floyd we're even Steven"he nodded ace was mad about the trickery tho

The end
(A/N I hope you like it leave more requests down below if ya want)

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