basketball club trio

17 0 3

Floyd pov
Asher told us to put up the basketballs I watch as ace put five in the basket thing Jamil made a tch noise "what's up sea snake?" Jamil looked at me "how come Asher gets to hangout with kailm and order us around he's not even in our club" I chuckles "because he's our friend who helps us with time management"I walked over letting go of the door without thinking ace rushed to me"wait don't -" there's was a slam sound as the door shut
Ace pov
I tried to open the door hitting it a lot panicking "open open open" Jamil put his hand on my shoulder "hey it'll be ok"Floyd nodded"yeah crabby it's not anything to worry about I'm sure koi will come and get us out"he's talking about Asher my breathing started getting faster as I backed up to a wall"i-i-i"I curled up breathing faster tears pricking my eyes my whole body is shaking "out w-we need to-" Floyd bent down next to me"hey crabby breath it's ok really"Jamil looked around thinking "ace do you have claustrophobia?"he asked I nodded curling up more "i-i-i can't breath"Floyd started kicking the door and Jamil was talking to me he put my hand on his chest"breath in and out"he says softly I listen to him breathing and started to do what he did Floyd sat down rubbing my back"I heard koi yelling something about us a second ago so he's on his way he's pretty loud"he grind I let out a wet laugh "yeah you think him and kalim will open the do-"I hear a boom
Asher pov
I quickly blew off the door of the closet and see Jamil Floyd and ace "is ace ok!!!!!"I said panicking I know about aces claustrophobia and saw the closet close but the equipment still out Floyd walked up to me"don't worry koi me and Jamil protected our dear crabby"I slumped against him "good um I'll get y'all some water me and kalim can clean up the rest ok?"Jamil walked ace to the bench as I gave them water"Floyd go and get my tools I'm fixing that fucking door"I growled as me and kalim cleaned up

The end??
(A/N thank you lilaminat5 for the request I hope you like it leave more down below if you want)

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