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Deuce pov
I was walking around it was vacation time and I was walking around my hometown I heard screaming in the alleyway and I run to it fast and see some guys feeling up ace "I summon three cauldron"I yelled knocking the guys out and run up to ace"ace you ok?" Ace hugged me mumbling "sorry"I hugged him closely "it's ok"I brought him home my mom looked worried "him too?"I jolted up"what do you mean him too?"she pointed at the couch Asher was laying on it with a icepack "what?"ace looked at Asher"fuck man he looks like shit too" Asher was pretty badly beaten up "I just wanted to visit trey and Carter man"he mumbles I sighs placing aces down I saw my mom having a lot of groceries bags"um?"she looked at me"Asher bought them after I saved him"she smiles asher held up a thumbs up
Deuce pov
I was cuddling with ace rubbing his back"you good?" He nodded nuzzling me mumbling"your hometown is so rough sometimes"I chuckles "yeah and Asher is in the wrong part of the rose kingdom if he wanna see trey or Carter"ace laughs nodding"yeah he is"I hear Asher talking with my mom while he cooked "man Asher food smells yummy I'm kinda jealous yuu gets to live with him in ramshackle "ace mumbles I nodded"yeah" after we ate ace hugged me mumbling"thanks for saving me today " I hugged back "anytime "

The end????(Maybe)

(A/N thank you for the request and lilaminat5 I'm starting to think ace is your favorite character which is fair he's awesome anyways leave more requests down below if you want)

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